Page 39 of Blood & Steel

Thea’s cheeks flushed. ‘It would be a pleasure to speak with her, Your Majesty.’

And that was how Thea found herself seated next to the Crown Princess of Harenth. The young woman was Wren’s age or a little younger, and her gaze was bright as it landed on Thea.

Thea bowed her head. ‘Your Highness.’

The princess gave a wry smile. ‘I’m sure this isn’t where you had hoped to end up this evening.’

Thea blanched. ‘It’s a great priv —’

‘Don’t worry yourself.’ Princess Jasira sipped from her goblet. ‘If I had any choice in the matter, I’d be elsewhere as well.’

A servant placed a plate before Thea, the food upon it piled high. Thea murmured her thanks but the server was already gone.

‘I would ask you of your work for the guild, but judging from your earlier request, I’d guess it interests you little?’ Princess Jasira asked.

‘I’d happily speak of it with you, Your Highness.’

‘Not if you’re going to harp on with formalities all evening. Please, call me Jasi, the titles are tedious.’

Thea chewed the inside of her cheek, unable to quite believe she was addressing the Princess of Harenth. ‘Alright… Jasi.’

The princess seemed pleased. ‘So tell me of your work for the guild. What is it you do there?’

‘I work in the alchemy workshop mostly, Your — Jasi.’ Thea corrected herself. ‘Though I also transcribe texts from time to time, too.’

‘And you dislike such work?’

‘My sister is the true master of alchemy,’ Thea admitted, glancing down at the burns on her hands. ‘I specialised in the same at her insistence, though I suspect she only did so to keep a closer eye on me.’

‘Those scars are from your work?’ Princess Jasira asked, following Thea’s gaze.

‘Some are from work. Most are from my own carelessness.’

To Thea’s surprise, the princess laughed. It was a beautiful, light sound. ‘So your sister does not wish to be a shieldbearer as you do?’

Thea shook her head, sifting through the options of what she could possibly ask a princess without impropriety.

Princess Jasira saved her the effort. ‘What is it you alchemists do then?’

‘We make tinctures for the healers and potions for various uses; the more skilled carry out experiments and such.’

‘Fascinating,’ Jasira said.

‘You sound like my sister,’ Thea laughed.

Jasira offered a genuine smile. ‘I shall take that as a compliment then.’

‘You should, Highness — Jasi.’ Thea’s attention wandered back to the kings and queen, finding herself leaning into the magic that pulsed around them. ‘It’s incredible,’ she murmured, more to herself than to the princess.

But Princess Jasira heard her, her brows furrowed. ‘What is?’

‘Their magic,’ Thea replied in wonder.

Jasira gave her an odd look then.

‘My apologies, Highness,’ Thea bowed her head. ‘I’m unsure of the… etiquette when it comes to such things. Is it best not spoken of?’

The princess seemed to have masked her expression. ‘It’s quite alright. I… I suppose I’m used to it, I hardly notice it.’