Page 20 of Blood & Steel

He had a strange feeling about her the moment he’d spotted her hidden on the clifftops, spying on their meet. Something had stopped him from hauling her out of the brush and demanding answers then and there.

Now, Wilder took in her slight build, the gold-streaked side braid framing her determined face and the scars littering herotherwise dainty hands. Unlike the other alchemists, she wore pants that clung to her curves as she moved, her sleeves rolled up to the elbows revealing sun-kissed skin and an array of freckles —

Something unwelcome stirred within Wilder, but he clasped his hands together and steeled himself. This girl was trouble. She went against everything that Thezmarr stood for and no pretty face made up for that.

As if sensing his scrutiny, the alchemist met his gaze with round, celadon eyes and she lifted her chin in defiance, as though she had won.

It was Audra who broke the silence that pulsed through the council room. ‘For years I have listened to your concerns about the lowering intake of shieldbearers. For years I have stood alongside you as we’ve watched the darkness encroach further into the midrealms, cursing our lands, cursing ourpeople.’

The librarian’s voice was cold and factual. ‘Less and less of our shieldbearers graduate to the rank of Guardian, and I don’t even recall the last time one of our warriors evenattemptedthe Warswords’ Great Rite. There hasn’t been a new Warsword since Hawthorne. It gets darker every day, the Veil shudders with the threat of more monsters… And you want to turn away a promising warrior?’

‘We don’twantto turn away anyone,’ Osiris countered. ‘But the laws are unbreakable.’

‘Unbreakable, perhaps…’ Audra allowed. ‘But not unchangeable.’

The alchemist was biting her lower lip, fidgeting. It was more evidence of her lack of suitability. She was raw, untrained and undisciplined.

But Audra was not through. The stern-faced woman whirled to face Torj. ‘Elderbrock, how many Veil breaches this month?’

‘Ah…’ Torj managed. ‘That information isn’t for civilians, Audra,’ he said apologetically.

‘I’m hardly a mere civilian, Torj Elderbrock. I trained in this fortress before the likes of you were even born.’ The older woman shot him a glare. ‘What about in the last year?’

‘Again, not knowledge I can divulge…’

Audra whirled around to face Osiris, whose face looked more weathered than before. ‘Do you want me to go on?’ she demanded. ‘We both know I don’t need your warrior brutes todivulgeanything.’

Osiris threw his hands up in frustration. ‘What exactly do you want me to do, Audra?’

‘That depends,’ she said.


‘Do you consider these dark times? Do you consider the midrealms to be under immediate threat?’

A vein pulsed in the Guild Master’s temple. ‘Yes.’

‘Then we should allow Althea to train as a shieldbearer.’

Osiris’ whole body heaved in frustration. ‘I told you, the rules are unbreakable. My hands are tied.’

‘Not as tightly as you might think,’ the librarian replied, striding to the bookshelf on the far side of the room. There, she slid a thick volume from its place and dropped it onto the table with a loud thud.

Begrudgingly fascinated, Wilder caught the title before she opened it and started scanning its pages:The Constitution of the Founding Furies.

He scoffed.Of course Audra would bring books and the Furies into this. She had been forced to give up her blades, but she would always be a warrior of Thezmarr. She could turn anything into a weapon.

‘Here,’ she declared, voice dripping with triumph as she read: ‘In times of dire need, as declared by the Guild Master, allthose capable may take up arms in the name of Thezmarr, as protectors of the midrealms.’

‘Audra, that’s hardly enough to renounce a decades-old law.’

‘No, but it’s enough to petition the rulers.’

Wilder folded his arms over his chest, his eyes darting from the librarian to the alchemist. It was clear from the younger woman’s raised brows she had no prior knowledge of such a clause, however he knew Audra well enough to know that this was not some impassioned defence of her charge. This was part of a plan she’d had in the works for a long time. When Audra had thrown the blade, her aim had been true, her faith in her charge had been unwavering. Audra was a sly old fox and whatever was occurring here and now in this room was just scratching the surface of her agenda.

‘This is an unprecedented request, Audra…’ Osiris warned.

‘Unprecedented times call for such requests,’ she shot back. ‘As does unprecedented talent. How many of your warriors can pluck a knife from the air? Bring me one man from your ranks who can do that.’