Page 14 of Blood & Steel

‘What do you mean?’

‘I’ve been sprinkling it in your bedsheets for the last few months. Building up your tolerance.’

‘So that’s why I woke up itching a bunch of times… Gods, Wren. You’ve got to be joking.’

‘I don’t joke about Widow’s Ash.’

‘You’re mad…’

‘Am I? Or am I just prepared for the inevitable moment where my reckless sister bites off more than she can chew with a group of small-pricked shieldbearers?’

Rubbing her temples, Thea shook her head. ‘Both.’

Wren laughed. ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘We’re late for Audra.’

But Thea’s attention was on Malik, who now stood a few yards away, his face red and sweat beading at his brow.

‘I have to take him back to his quarters,’ Thea told her sister.

Wren followed her gaze, taking in the sight of the former warrior as he paced, blinking rapidly, his chest heaving. ‘I think you’re right. I’ll tell Audra.’

‘Never mind Audra, don’t worry about making excuses. You’ll be in enough shit already.’

‘I’ll come with you —’

But Thea waved her off. ‘It’ll overwhelm him. Just go, we’ll be fine.’

With a tight nod, Wren made for the stairs and disappeared through the door.

Thea approached Malik, trying not to startle him.

‘You’re lost again, aren’t you, friend?’ she whispered.

Malik looked up at the sound of her voice, his eyes wide. He opened and closed his mouth several times before his posture loosened.

‘Good thing I know the way,’ Thea prompted. ‘Come on.’

Although she wanted to take his arm to lead him through the corridors, she didn’t. The injury to his brain was a web of complexities she knew she would never understand, but shehad known him long enough now to recognise that sometimes he suffered from sensory overwhelm, particularly after a trying event or ordeal.

She crept through the fortress, noting that Malik’s balance was suffering today.

‘You just need some quiet,’ she reassured him as she held a door open and waited for him to shuffle through.

Audra had shown her the way once before when this had happened. The sharp-tongued librarian had been gentle and kind with Malik – familiar. It wasn’t until much later that Thea realised Audra had probably known him as a Warsword, they could have even trained together.

When they reached Malik’s quarters, the door was unlocked and, once opened, Malik’s dog, Dax, greeted them anxiously.

‘He’s alright,’ Thea told the mongrel as his wagging tail threatened to bruise her legs.

She waited in the doorway until Malik had eased himself into his chair before the cold hearth.

‘Do you want me to light a fire?’ she asked.

Malik stared at the black coals.

‘Alright,’ Thea said, more to herself than to the former warrior. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’

As she turned to go, a rasping sound came from Malik.