Page 13 of Blood & Steel

‘But you’re the dirtiest and most unwanted. Look at the state of you,’ he said, his nose wrinkling in disgust as he surveyed her pants, tunic, and muddied boots. ‘I can’t tell if you’re more like a dog or your monstrous friend here. Or are you trying to look like a man?’

She could feel the fury rippling from Wren behind her, but Thea didn’t glance back. Instead, her fingers flexed again, itching to grasp the dagger she no longer had. No matter, she’d kill him with her bare hands if she had to.

Seb continued to sneer at her. ‘What’d you want?’

Thea took another step towards him, ignoring the shieldbearer’s lackeys, who had turned away from Malik to jeer at her, gripping their training swords menacingly.

‘Leave him be,’ she told them.

Seb snorted. ‘Or what?’

Fists clenched, Thea didn’t reply. She had no weapon, and they outnumbered her, but there was no part of her that could have ignored what they were doing to Malik, no matter what it cost her.

She took a deep, trembling breath. ‘Leave him be,’ she repeated. ‘He is a former Warsword. He deserves your respect. Your behaviour is an insult to Thezmarr.’

‘You’d know all about insults to Thezmarr, being one yourself.’ Chest puffed out, he approached, ensuring that he loomed over her.

Thea didn’t yield a step, despite what she saw in his eyes.

His lackeys closed in as well, shoulders pushed back.

‘I’d get away from my sister, if I were you,’ Wren’s voice sounded.

‘Like we have anything to fear from this scrappy mess,’ Seb retorted.

‘I didn’t say she was the one to fear.’

A puff of air blew past Thea’s ear. A cloud of violet dust billowed and then settled over the shieldbearers.

Someone coughed.

And Seb looked down at his powder-covered tunic, annoyed. ‘What’s this, some witch’s trick?’ He brushed the dust from his shoulder, glaring at Wren —

His eyes bulged and his hand flew to his neck.

An angry rash appeared instantly on his exposed skin and suddenly he was scratching wildly. ‘What have you done, bitch?’

Behind him, his followers were red-faced and clawing at their own flesh.

‘I suggest you get yourselves to the infirmary,’ Wren said, coming to stand beside Thea and survey her handiwork. ‘I’d hate for that to get anywhere delicate. You wouldn't want your dick to fall off. You seem to enjoy swinging it around.’

Seb’s eyes bulged again. ‘Bitch!’ he shrieked, before staggering away from them, his friends close behind.

Thea turned to her sister, her own eyes wide.

Wren raised her brows. ‘Let’s have it then,’ she said. ‘Let’s hear all about how you didn’t need help, how you had it all handled.’

‘I…’ Thea struggled for words. ‘That… That was brilliant.’


‘Remind me not to piss you off too much.’ Thea caught a streak of violet dust on her own skin. ‘Why am I not —’

‘Not affected?’ Wren interjected. ‘You’re immune to Widow’s Ash.’

‘What? How?’

‘Because I made it so.’