Page 7 of One Pucking Night

“Oh. I know that look.” Soren is smirking once he notices the direction my gaze has traveled in. “You've spotted someone.”

At first I shrug it off, watching her. I thought I noticed another girl with her earlier, though I wasn't paying strict attention. A cute, petite little redhead who would probably fuck me senseless. She had that energy about her, something I can't put into words. I just know it when I see it.

The redhead is nowhere to be found, though, as I scan the room. Granted, there's a ton of people here and it might be easy to overlook her, but after a minute or so of the blonde standing by herself and nursing a bottle of water, I'm starting to get the idea she's here alone now.

“She’s fucking hot,” Soren decides. “She must be single.”

“What makes you think that?”

“She’s got that look like she has no interest in hooking up with anyone,” he gives me a wink.

The black dress she's wearing doesn't leave too much to the imagination even though it keeps all of her most interesting bits covered. Still, it reveals enough of her long, lean legs to make hunger stir in my gut. She's got a ripe, firm ass, and the top of the dress is cut just low enough to reveal the tops of her creamy tits.

I don't know what it is about her, but I can't take my eyes off her. She doesn't look like she's in the mood to be approached. You can always tell, especially in a place like this where most people show up to see and be seen. She's not looking around, trying to casually note whether anyone has noticed her.

Until she is. Until her gaze happens to swing around until our eyes meet.

A flush comes up on her cheeks before her gaze darts away and hits Soren. She's interested, that much is obvious, even if she soon looks away. Some deep, instinctive wisdom tells me I'll regret it forever if I don't at least introduce myself.

“Come on. I want to meet her,” I tell Soren.

He points to himself, frowning. “What about me?”

“You can meet her, too,” I grumble, pushing away from the bar before I begin my approach. Something about the way her posture changes tells me she knows we're headed her way…but she doesn't make a move to leave, does she? She stays right where she is, her gaze averted, like she's waiting.

Maybe this night wasn't such a waste, after all.



Iwould feel better about this if she had somebody with her so we could both get laid tonight, but Ash is a good friend. He would do the same for me if I saw a girl I was interested in. I can't count the number of times we've been the other’s wingman over the years we've played for the Raptors together.

The thing is, if I had seen her first, I would probably want him to be my wingman instead. I think it's that lack of self-consciousness she has. She's not putting herself on display, going out of her way to look casual when she's anything but. She seems to genuinely want to have a good time. Sure, that sort of makes us assholes for approaching her and breaking into it, but she's welcome to tell us to fuck off if she wants to. Neither of us are the type to force ourselves on a woman. Neither of us needs to.

It's Ash who makes the first move, while I round the stool she's perched on and close in on the other side. “Hey,” he calls out with a grin. “How are you? You looked good out there.” He jerks a thumb toward the dance floor, which is just as packed as ever.

“Thanks. I figured I would try that whole dancing like nobody's watching thing.” She offers us both a crooked smile, and I can't pretend even for Ash’s sake that there's not something about it that turns me on. There's something about a woman who can laugh at herself, who doesn't take herself too seriously all the time. I've always had a weakness for that.

Ash's face falls. “Oh, I'm sorry.”


“I was watching.” She laughs, and the two of us exchange a look over the top of her head that says neither of us is going anywhere anytime soon.

“This is my friend Soren,” he says, gesturing toward me with one hand. She turns, and her brilliant smile sets off something in me. I don't know what it is. All of a sudden, I want to know more about her. I want to know everything.

“And this is my friend, Ash,” I continue, gesturing toward him. “Don't tell me you're here all alone.”

“What, a girl can't be on her own at a club?” She lifts her eyebrows, offering a silent, playful challenge.

“No, it's just unusual. I thought girls as pretty as you traveled in packs to keep each other safe.”

“My best friend abandoned me.” She shrugs. “But it's okay. I wanted to stick around.”

“I'm glad you did.” Ash eyes her water bottle. “Can I buy you a drink?”

“Actually, I think I'm finished drinking for the night, but I'd love another bottle of water.” I like that. She's intelligent, obviously, and she wants to keep her wits about her with two strangers flanking her.