Page 58 of Picture Perfect

Trevor laughs. “Some of us, definitely.”

“Sorry to pop back to the other topic, but did your roommate get in trouble for the pills?”

“No. I didn’t rat him out. I told everyone I found them in the community bathroom in the dorms and I thought they were Ritalin, so I took them.”

“That was decent of you.”

He smiles. “Well, he felt awful about what had happened, even though he had told me to take only one. So, he helped me with my classwork after that. His name is Ben Wilkes. Good guy. In fact, I have a camping trip coming up with him. Do you like the outdoors?”

“After today’s trip down the cliff, I’m feeling anever againvibe on the matter. But not really. I like to run outdoors, but that’s about it.”

The conversation between us comes easy and Trevor is a handsome, sweet firefighter, but every time I see a dark-haired man walk in, I hope it’s Rowan. There’s no connection with Trevor anymore, not like that. But maybe I should try, anyway. There’s no harm in trying, right?

“How is your family?”

I shrug. “Not much has changed on that front, except my cousins keep popping out grandchildren, which makes my mom super jealous. Did you and Fawn have any kids?”

“No. Thankfully. Who wants to go through a divorce with kids in the mix?”

“Definitely not me. As much as I want them, the divorce was much easier without them involved.”

He leans close and there’s mischief in his eyes. “Do you ever get the feeling people look at us differently because our divorce is child-free?”

I laugh hard. “Yes! All the time! People act like it’s barely a divorce if you don’t have to deal with custody and all that.”

“Exactly! Thank you! I thought it was just me.”

“Nope. I’ve heard things like, ‘Oh well, that’s really just a break-up with paperwork.’ As though I didn’t get my heart ripped out.”

He nods. “I’ve gotten a lot of the same. People act like kids are the only important part of a marriage, and that’s just not the case.Loveis the important part, and kids should result from the love, if you want them. But they are not the whole point of getting married.”

I smile and sigh. “I’m glad I came out with you tonight, Trevor. It’s nice to talk about this with someone who understands where I’m coming from on all of that. I mean, I’m sorry you had to deal with everything—“

“No, I know what you mean. We seem to have a lot in common.”

“Would you happen to have a dog?”

He smiles. “A German Shepard. How’d you know?”

“Just had a feeling. You seem like a dog guy.”


“Not yet.”Okay, we’re clicking. All the right stuff is there…but still. He’s not Rowan.

“I’m glad we did this, Autumn.”

“Me, too, Trevor.” Maybe if I say it out loud, I’ll believe it.



“You’re coming, right?” Sawyer nags.

“We are pulling in right now. Thanks for the vote of confidence—

“It’s not that,” he mumbles, and I can picture him sneaking away from everyone in the East garden, where we have our family dinners. “Parker is here.”