“I doubt her former linebacker and ex-con boyfriend Everett would appreciate you saying that to his girlfriend, sir.”
His red eyes widen, and he stumbles away.
She closes her eyes and exhales, “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Also, the thought of Everett being any of those things is hilarious.”
“Oh? He looked plenty physically capable to me.”
“Well, sure, anyone who carries you up a cliff looks like that.”
I roll my eyes. “Seriously, though, how are things with him?”
“Good,” she says flatly.
“What is it?”
I give herthe look.
“Fine, enough with the third degree. It’s wonderful. Everything with him is wonderful. But I didn’t want to brag about him to you.”
“Why the hell not? I’m glad you’re happy.”
She sighs. “Autumn, you haven’t been the same since you ended things with Rowan.”
I drop my camera in shock. Thankfully, it landed on our bags, perfectly fine. “The hell?”
“Oh, come on. You don’t usually send me to find out if a guy has a date, Autumn. Besides, things between the two of you have seemed…different lately. At least, when I’ve been around the two of you. You cannot tell me you two aren’t involved.”
I huff. “Have you told anyone about your theory?”
“Give me more credit than that, please.”
“It’s just…” I sigh, staring at the crowd. “I actuallycantell you we are not involved. Not anymore.”
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry.”
I shrug. “It happens.”
But she gives me a big hug, anyway. “It does, and it sucks, and I’m sorry. How are you holding up?”
“I don’t know. It all started as a friends-with-benefits thing, and it kind of blew up in my face, because I caughtfeelings.”
“Hard to do that with someone you’re close to, Autumn.”
“You couldn’t have warned me a few months ago?” I ask with a cheeky smile.
She has nothing but pity for me in her eyes, and it stings. “If I had known, I would have warned you ahead of time. You have to stop being so secretive about guys. How long did it take you to tell me what happened with Mark?”
And I still haven’t told you everything, I think to myself.“A while. Look, I know I’m tightlipped about these things, but that’s how I am. Private. At least for that.”
“Well, about Rowan—
“What about him?”