“Hey man, we need to talk,” Julian said.
“Okay what’s up?” I asked, wondering what could be so important.
“All right so last night I got bored with whatever blond bimbo was from Kiki’s crew and I went to go smoke in the woods. And guess who I see coming out of the woods?” Julian asked, with his eyebrows raised.
“Who?” I asked him.
“Deter,” Julian said with emphasis. I kept my face stoic as he continued. “Yeah, so I see Deter come out of the woods with a boy, and this boy runs off toward the dorms. He’s a huge pervert, I knew he was into the girls and doing things with them. His experimental science psychological crap, but boys too. So then I go and follow him back to his house. Get this, the old pervert is watching kiddy porn, some old man fucking a boy.”
“So, what do you want to do about it?” I asked.
“Well, I heard today from some chick that Deter has his eye on Olivia,” Anthony said.
“I heard that too,” Rocker said.
“Okay, well today, before I came here, Deter had her by the arm and was telling her he was going to punish her. We need to do something, we need to get rid of him,” I said looking at my three best friends. I couldn’t leave this up to my fucked up father to handle. He had put Deter in charge. Now I had to do something, I couldn’t risk having Deter fuck with my Goddess.
“I say we chop off his dick and throw his ass in the river,” Rocker said.
“Why do you always go to cutting off someone’s dick?” Julian asked, turning toward Rocker.
Rocker shrugged, “any of you assholes have a better idea?”
“I have a plan, but it doesn’t involve cutting off his dick,” I said with a smile.
Later in the evening, after everyone was asleep, I wandered over to the dorms. The entire campus was quiet, in the middle of the night, and that’s when I did my best thinking.
Pulling the key for the dorms out of my pocket, I quietly opened the door and gently closed it behind myself. Walking down the halls, I stepped lightly and made my way to Olivia’s dorm room with Georgia. I already knew what dorm she was in. Mrs. Harrington in the office loves me and gives me any information I want on anything I need. Paying her monthly for information, she loves the money to support her gambling problem and is happy to provide me with anything I need.
Using another key, I quietly opened her door, after listening to the soft breathing inside. Looking over, Georgia was sound asleep and so was Olivia on the other side of the room. She was wearing a tank top that was slightly pulled up, as she slept, and her skin was slightly exposed. I felt my heart skip a beat but quickly regained composure, and my dick hardened just looking at her lying on the bed. Taking out the envelope from my pocket, I placed it on her bedside table and quickly left the room without waking either of them. I took one last glance at Olivia before closing the door, feeling a pang of regret that I couldn't drag her from the room down to the woods right now. But we had other things we needed to do.
Heading back to the house, I formulated the plan. So Deter was a pervert and needed to be eliminated from Eden Hall. We couldn’t have someone like that on the staff. I may be a villain, but messing with a kid is above and beyond anything, I would ever do. Disgusting bastard.
“Okay, here is the plan,” I said as I entered the house and gathered the guys. Rocker, Julian, and Anthony stared at me intently.
“Let’s leave a note on Deter’s door, asking him to meet a girl up in the woods, I will check with Kiki on one of the girl's names that Deter messes with and use her name,” I said.
“Then we wait for him and dispose of him in the river, weigh down his body with rocks, and leave him at the bottom of the river for the fish to eat,” I said, smiling. Deter had been a psycho since my father hired him. Despite my warnings, my father wouldn’t get rid of him. Now we had no choice.
“Sounds good,” Julian nodded.
“I’m in, I hate that bastard,” Anthony said.
“Yes, I hate that bastard too,” Rocker said in agreement with the rest of us.
“All right, let’s get ready to do this,” I said with a smile.
Chapter 13
I was all for the plan of killing that bastard, Deter. But I did think cutting his dick off was a must, but the other guys said no, so I guess I’ll leave it alone. Deter had been messing with the girls on campus ever since I came to Eden Hall. And Dalton’s asshole father did nothing about it. But now that he was messing with Olivia, I knew we had to do something. Even though she was Dalton’s girl and would be her girl, I didn’t want anyone messing with any of our girls.
We got ready to take care of Deter, I could hear Dalton on the phone with Kiki finding out a girl’s name while Julian and I grabbed a few weapons to take care of Deter. Armed with a few knives, a hammer, and a screwdriver, we shoved everything into a bag.
Dressed in all black, we headed out into the woods to wait for Deter, the slimeball.