“Throwing a party, of course,” Dalton said, raising his eyebrows.
Chapter 7
Georgia and I walked back to the dorms, it was my first day and already I had the shock of a lifetime seeing Dalton. I also had caught the eye of all the Renegades. According to Georgia they were nothing but bad news and to avoid them at all costs. But I felt a pull toward Dalton and I wanted to see him.
As Georgia and I settled in for the night, we were going to watch a movie a knock was heard on our room door. Georgia went to answer it, as I contemplated how to see Dalton again soon. Maybe we would have some classes together, I hoped.
“What do you want?” Georgia said in the doorway, a small boy with dark brown hair stood in the doorway.
“I…I…I…,” he stuttered.
“Spit it out, Charles, you what,” Georgia said, her voice tinged with annoyance.
“I…am..am…am..bringing…you…a…a…a…message,” he stuttered as Georgia stared at him.
“Okay, what is it?” Georgia asked with her hand on her hip.
“From….the…the…the…Rene…Renegades. They….wa…wa..want…you…to…come…to…a…party…to…tonight,” he said looking down at the ground.
“We are watching a movie tonight and relaxing before school tomorrow, I don’t think so. Go tell the Renegades that,” Georgia said slamming the door.
“What was that?” I asked looking at Georgia.
“Oh the Renegades want us to come to a party at their house, and sent their latest little errand boy to deliver the message,” Georgia said, plopping down on the bed.
“So we aren’t going?” I asked. “Don’t you think that’s not a wise decision, maybe they won’t bully me if I do what they say,” I said looking at her.
“Yeah stay away from them, is your best choice,” Georgia said as she picked up the remote and turned on the movie.
My heart beat a hundred miles a minute as I wondered how I could get Georgia to agree. Or maybe I could just sneak out after a bit, but I didn’t even know where their house was.
Wandering around the campus at night alone didn’t seem the best idea, but considering there was a tall fence surrounding the entire property, I doubted anyone could get in.
Before long, Georgia fell asleep and the soft glow of the television illuminated her face. I coughed a few times, and she didn’t stir, this was my chance. I slipped on a light jacket and quietly walked out of the door and into the hallway. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got into the hallway, and she still hadn’t stirred.
Walking outside the dorm, I could hear laughter and people talking behind the dorms. That had to be the house, I walked down the pathway from the dorms toward the noise.
As I walked, I had an overwhelming feeling of someone watching me. The path was covered on both sides by trees, and was only open by the dorms and in the main part of the campus. Eden Hall was very secluded outside a small town in Wisconsin. No one would even know it was there if you passed it on the dirt road. Despite being surrounded by a fence, there were also woods everywhere around it, and concealed all the buildings from being seen from the road. The entrance was gated, and you would miss it if you blinked as you were driving. We passed it as my mom dropped me off.
“What you doing out here little rabbit?” I heard a deep voice say as one of the Renegades stepped out from the woods on the path.
He stopped on the path blocking my way, my heart beat faster as I realized I was all alone with this boy and no one would hear me if I screamed.
“I was invited to the party,” I stammered, my voice clearly cracking with fear.
“Oh right, Olivia isn’t it,” he crooned my name.
“Yes, and you are?” I asked.
“I’m Anthony, but you can call me turtle, get it the turtle and the rabbit. I will always catch you,” he said taking a step closer to me. A grin on his face.
“Well turtle would you mind showing me where the party is, I would hate to be late,” I said trying to sound confident. Even though my heart was hammering inside my chest so hard, I was sure he could hear it.
“Sure thing rabbit,” he said with a grin and grabbed my hand dragging me along the path.
I felt so small and frail compared to his height and large body, his hand covered mine and I knew if I tried to run he was right, he would catch me. Wondering what he was here for, we came out of the woods into a small clearing that was lit up by lights surrounding a large two-story house.