Page 68 of My Perfect Villain

“Kiza told me about the second body.” The male voice grunts as the front door closes.

Well, now I know my senses are somewhat on target. I figured there were two bodies in this house at some point, so the validation is nice.

“I, uh, it won’t happen again. I promise. I swear even. No more bodies,” Zia says in a relatively sincere tone.

“There weren’t supposed to beany, Azizia.None. You came up here to hide, not draw so much fucking attention to yourself that I have to come up and check on you to make sure you’re sticking to your word.”

Up here? He said it too, so I’m not wrong in assuming Zia is from down below in some way.

This is Idaho, so I guess it’s up from somewhere, but neither of them has accents that would indicate they’re from any of the southern states.

Then again, I’m pretty convinced Zia isn’t human, so there’s no telling whatupis in reference to.

“I know, but I needed a place to stay, and this house was kind of perfect,” Zia says. “I can’t exactly live in a box or something. Besides, you took care of all that already. What’s done is done, so let’s just move on. You want some beans?”

The male voice sighs in frustration as I hear heavy footsteps moving throughout the house. “Okay, Zia. Yeah, I get that. I wasn’t thrilled you killed someone to get shelter, but I can understand it, and we handled it so things were legit. It’s the second body that I’m struggling with. And I really hope you have more food to eat here than just beans.”

Assuming he’s referring to the woman Zia tried to feed to me, this guy doesn’t know about me. That I’m here, that I’m a vampire, and if he really is her brother, Zia knows he’ll be pissed about that too. Why else would she drag me around the house before she hid me in here?

“She was too close to the house. Snooping around and looking in the windows. I was trying not to blow my cover!”

Yeah, he has no idea, and Zia is lying to keep it that way.

Which probably means he’d scold her for one count of kidnapping on top of the two counts of murder. I wonder how he’d feel about opening someone else’s mail.

“There are other ways of dealing with that, Zia. You didn’t need to kill her just because she was curious.” This guy sounds exasperated. And definitely like a brother, a big brother at that, because the tone he keeps using is similar to the way Silas talks to me at times.

That wholeI’m annoyed but I care about you even when you make stupid decisions,tone.

I’m definitely familiar with that.

My stomach growls as I keep listening, the hunger pangs getting worse with each passing second. And that noisy shit was enough to wake up my sleeping cat.

Roger lets out one of his god awful meows, one that sounds more like he’s been trapped inside a dryer set to tumble for four hours, before he throws himself off the toilet with a deafening thud.

“What was that?” The male voice hisses as the footsteps stop.

“Nothing. What are you talking about? I didn’t hear anything,” Zia, not so tactfully, says.

I look around the bathroom for Roger, ready to break my back in my weakened state by picking him up so he doesn’t make any more noise, but I don’t see him. How the hell don’t I see him?He’s huge.

My eyes dart around the toilet, looking under it, next to, and when my cat is nowhere to be seen, I start to panic.

“Roger,” I whisper as I turn away from the door. “Roger, where are you?”

I’m worried if I move I’ll make too much noise, and Zia and her guest will hear me, but my cat was only getting started with that screech he let out, so I need to find him quickly.

Which shouldn’t be hard. We’re in a goddamn bathroom.

I search the sink, knowing damn well Roger didn’t jump up there because he hasn’t been that high up since he was a kitten, but where the hell did he go?

Checking to make sure Zia has her maybe-brother occupied, I turn away completely, take one step, then all hell breaks loose.

Roger screams as I step on his tail, then he moves faster than he has in years, darting between my legs only to trip my panicked ass. I go down to the tile floor in slow motion, my arms flailing as I try to find something to hang on to, ripping the towel rack off the wall as I thump against the vanity before landing on my back.

“What the fuck was that, Zia?” The heavy footsteps quickly approach the bathroom, accompanied by Zia’s lighter ones.

“Nothing, Rae! There’s no one in the bathroom!”