Page 2 of My Perfect Villain

His phone pinged, the light of the phone almost shining through his dark glasses. A text from Eddie.

Name’s Harmony. Cute little broad. Long black hair, Mediterranean complexion. Nice set of tits. Only one in town who can look like that in this hell hole. Entering in 5.

Darius looked up and locked eyes with the door. Eddie was right—a woman with that description, there couldn’t be more than one in this shit town. He waited. The doorbell chimed and his ears were pierced with the twinkling sound of laughter. A crowd of women walked in, and there she was. Darius felt the breath knock out of him. Eddie must have let out some details; he didn’t mention how gorgeous she was. Her long silky thick black hair cascaded around her small waist. Her thick legs and ass were so full he felt his cock starting to grow.

Down boy…business before pleasure.

His eyes followed her curves up to her large breasts hidden under a small, slinky plum dress. Her belly wasn’t quite washboard flat, but it was very close. Her skin was glistening from a tan left over from the summer sun. Looking his way, he only caught a glimpse of blue eyes and a soft face. The gaggle of scantily clad women made their way to the bar and around the corner to a room offset from the main bar.

This was going to be a long night.

Chapter 2


Harmony Catrone sat off in a room opposite the bar. Once again, her sister was late meeting her at Kelly’s Inn for their once-a-month bitch fest. She scrolled through TikTok on her phone, not looking up until she heard the door twinkle. Her long, thick black hair was tied up in a tight bun and her thick, purple-rimmed glasses framed her face, the glare from the phone hiding the hurt in her blue eyes. She crossed her arms, eyeing the bar again. Callie came around the corner from the bar with another fuzzy navel in hand.

“Sofia late again?” She quipped.

Harmony let a small amount of air escape her lips. “Yeah. Again.”

“I’m sorry, Harm. You wanna get some food while you wait? I’ll put in an order for those pickles you like.”

Harmony sighed. “I guess. Fuck waiting on her. I’m starving.”

Callie leaned down close to her. “Hey. There’s this really hot guy I’ve never seen before over in the corner booth near the kitchen. Says he’s just passing through on his way to visit his grandmother. Maybe you should…you know…” Callie wiggled her hips and flicked back her blonde hair.


“What? Just a thought. C’mon, girl, you’re single, live a little. Plus, the guy looksloaded.Bet he’ll buy you a drink.”

With that Callie walked away and went back behind the bar.

Hot guy, huh?

The doorbell chimed and a man Harmony had never seen before walked past the doorway to the room and over in the direction of the kitchen. He had a well-oiled leather jacket and thick black hair, just like hers. Curiosity got the better of her and she got up to peek around the corner. He sat down at the booth Callie was talking about.

Holy fuck.

A man with board shoulders and dark tinted glasses was slouched in the booth holding a small glass of what looked like whiskey. The white button-down shirt was perfectly pressed against his chest and the jeans almost left nothing to the imagination. What gave her almost instant wetness between her thighs was the mound of slicked-back orange hair that reminded her of a greaser in the ‘50s. She was a sucker for thicker men with wild hair colors. He looked angry talking to the guy in the leather jacket, but she wasn’t sure. She watched as Callie made her way over there with a beer and sat it on the table. She tried to get Callie’s attention when she came back to the bar, but it was no use. The smoky haze was getting thicker, and she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. She silently walked back to her booth where the waiting orange deliciousness was calling her name. There was next to no one in the back room except for a few of the local couples. She looked around, watching them. Some were cuddled up next to each other and others were having full on make-out sessions. It almost made her sick to her stomach watching them, a bout of jealousy rising in her throat. Thoughts of Gio started coming back to her, and she tried pushing them out of her mind.Fucking asshole, she thought. There was no way in hell the thought of Gio Velestra was going to upset her today. Not onherbirthday. She looked again at the couples wishing she had a love like that. Why couldn’t the man of her dreams just walk into the bar and sweep her off her feet? Especially a man like tall, dark, and ginger over there brooding in the corner. She couldn’t help but think what it would be like to be in his arms and caressing her entire body, that stone look piercing through her making her nice and wet for his touch.Stop it. Don’t think about people like that.

Why not,a husky voice whispered in the back of her mind.He’s certainly a meal I’d like to devour.With her mind wandering and thinking about the ginger-stranger who sent her pussy into overdrive, she almost didn’t hear the door chime again, but she certainly heard the obnoxious familiar laughter of Sofia and her friends. Harmony took a sip of her drink and watched her sister stumble back toward the room.

Look at her, she’s a fucking mess.

The hyenas finally made it and Sofia almost fell into her seat at the booth.

“Harmony!” She squealed.

“You’re late, Sofia.” Harmony growled.

“C’mon, sis, don’t be like that. I’m sorry but the girls wanted to come too. After all it’s our birthday!”

Sofia squeezed her into a hug, and Harmony rolled her eyes. She pushed her twin sister off her. “Yeah, well, would’ve been nice if you didn’t show up already shit faced.”

Sofia blinked at her, her expression almost emotionless. “But, Harm, what fun is a birthday if you don’t drink all day with the gals?”

Harmony sighed. “Look, Sof, I like drinking and partying as much as you, but you said this time it would be just you and me at our uncle’s bar for a good birthday night out.”