Her chest rises rapidly, her eyes fill with tears, and when her lip quivers, my heart skips a beat. Then she clears her throat and straightens her shoulders, raising her chin with an air of confidence that I’m proud of. “What do you want?” she bites out. Annoyed at my surprising presence.
My voice clogs, and my words come out in a gentle whisper, “You. Just you, Jade.”
I don’t miss the tremor that takes over her body at the use of her name. Or maybe it’s because I’m admitting I want her.
She turns her head to the side as though unable to look at me, the movement causing my stomach to sink.
“What about Justine?” Her voice comes out as a croak laced with hurt.
Her hand tightens on the spoon she’s holding as my mind fights the cloud of confusion behind her words.
“Justine?” I question, more to myself than her.
“Is that where you think I’ve been?”
My blood turns to anger. It simmers rapidly as it boils toward the surface of my skin, threatening to seep through. Have they not told her where I’ve been? How I’ve worked so fucking hard at creating a better version of me. For her.
“They didn’t tell you?” I grit out. Of course, they didn’t. They thought I’d fail. Guilt stabs me in the chest at how much pain I’ve caused. How little my own family thought of me.
Her eyes finally meet mine. The look of hurt marring her features makes me want to lash out, but I rein it in. To protect her. I’d do anything for her. Anything.
“Tell me what?”
“I entered rehab voluntarily.” My throat is suddenly dry, but I push past it. “I went to rehab so I can be the best person for you.”
When her eyes soften, I want nothing more than to scoop her into my arms and shower her with delicate kisses while whispering thoughts of my gratitude to her. Telling her how brave she’s been while I’ve been gone, but Daddy’s home now. Daddy will take care of her. My cock pulsates. It’s been too fucking long since I had her. Since her touch.
“What about...” Her voice trails off as though deep in thought. Mulling over my words, perhaps.
I shake my head. “I told you no one else would exist. Not when I have you. You’re my cure, little girl. My reason for living. Am I your reason, too?”
She shakes her head, making my head fall forward in defeat, my shoulders slump and my heart stutters. I feel like the world is crashing down around me as I stand frozen to the spot with my heart constricting from her action.
What I’ve been hoping would be a happy reunion will soon turn into protests when I whisk her away without her consent. Because I refuse to leave here without her.
I don’t care what anyone says. She’s mine.
“You’re my addiction, Tommy. And I’m your cure. I think that’s the best kind of obsession. Don’t you?”
My head snaps up and I move to step forward, but she holds her hand up to stop me. I freeze, knowing what she will say is going to hurt. The look of apprehension and seriousness on her face says it all. She doesn’t think we’re right for one another. But I’ll do everything in my power to change her mind.
“I’ve something to confess.” Her cheeks pinken on her admittance.
My chest tightens, and my pulse quickens. Is it that fucker, Darryl? I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him and fuck her in his blood too.
Slowly, she unties her apron, her fingers trembling, and then she steps out from behind the counter.
My gaze roams down her hot little body and comes to a still at her stomach, where a small bump sits tauntingly. Emotion clogs in my throat and I lick my dry lips, struggling to form the words. “You’re... you’re pregnant?”
“I am.” She nibbles on her bottom lip and wrings her hands in front of her before settling them on the swell of her stomach, where our baby lies.
My whole body vibrates with excitement, every cell in me alive.
They’re fucking mine!
I stride forward without thinking. Her mouth falls open in shock while mine breaks out into an enormous smile encompassing my face. Tenderly, I place my hand on her small bump and revel in her body swaying against mine as if in shock at my action.
Dropping kisses of gratitude on her head and breathing in her scent, my body swells with pride, with a love that is simply indescribable.