“Oh, Tommy. Fancy seeing you here.” His spine straightens and the veins in his neck pulsate as he turns his head to face the woman now standing beside him.
I take her in, she’s in business attire with a pencil skirt and white blouse, and the buttons threaten to burst under the bulge of her tits. She has long blonde hair down to her hips in thick waves, and her lips are painted red to match her long fingernails, now grasping his shoulder like a sign of ownership.
My hands ball into fists beneath the table as I scrunch my napkin at her, touching him like she owns him.
He shrugs off her hand and pushes back in his chair to stand, greeting her with a kiss on each cheek. Her eyes practically swim in desire as she swoons around him. “When should we meet again?” She trails her hand down his chest, making me grind my teeth, willing him to bat her hand away.
His hand moves quickly, taking hold of hers and dropping it before he casts his eyes toward me and then quickly back to her. She doesn’t miss the movement though, and her body tightens at his subtle glance toward me.
“Who’s this?” she asks, waving her hand in my direction. “Are you going to introduce us?”
“Yes, Tommy. Are you going to introduce us?” I bite out. The snideness in my tone clear.
He side-eyes me, threatening punishment for my tone, but I lift my chin in defiance and he chokes on a sardonic laugh. His lip forms into a smirk, and I wait with bated breath as he opens his mouth. “This is my daughter, Jade.” He smiles at her.
Fucking smiles!
My veins fill with fury.
“Oh, yes. I decorated your bedroom for you.”
She slaps her hand up against her mouth in a mock gasp. “Oh. I thought you were a little younger. I’m sorry, sweetie. I bet you’ve almost outgrown it, haven’t you?”
My eyes narrow on the patronizing bitch.
She continues to flutter her fake lashes at Tommy, who makes no attempt to stop her flirtation.
“Who are you?” I spit, unable to hide my temper.
Tommy smirks but otherwise ignores my show of contempt in her direction. “This is Jenna, my father’s secretary.”
“Huh. One of your many whores, no doubt.” I gift him a serene smile that wipes the lust-filled look from the secretary’s face.
Tommy’s jaw sharpens. “Jade, enough!” The fact he’s trying to tell me off, in front of his whore no less, pisses me off. How he can slip into a father-daughter act of a different kind.
I push back in my chair, making customers turn in my direction. “You know what? I think I need to vomit.” I throw my napkin onto the table and ignore them as I make my way toward the restroom.
* * *
I splash the ice-cold water against my face again, and when my focus lands on the mirror, I jolt when I see Jenna leaning against the restroom wall, staring right back at me with a look of venom on her carefully made-up face.
She sighs mockingly. “Tommy needs a woman that’s strong and experienced. Not some sillylittle girlthat doesn’t know her ass from her clit.”
My heart hammers as her words burrow deep in my chest. I am inexperienced, and her use of my nickname makes me feel like she can see right through me, through us. And she’s picking us apart bit by bit. My heart hammers and my veins fill with dread.
“You know how filthy he is, right? How he needs more than one woman to get off. To satisfy his urges.” She licks her lips. “Alittle girllike you can’t possibly satisfy a man like Tommy Marino.” Her cruel eyes gleam sinisterly.
Of course, I didn’t know that. I’ve not even considered it. Why would I?
What I know is that I don’t want to share him. I can’t be that person for him, no matter how much I want him.
She smiles cunningly. “He likes all dirty things.” My heart hammers with how well she knows him. I know this part of him only too well myself. But not like her. Jealousy and hurt make my lip tremble, and I fight back the tears pooling in my eyes.
“He likes to watch women fuck one another,” she adds, as though waiting for my reaction.
My chest tightens and my pulse races as I resist the urge to let the tears flow.