We all have reasons for doing what we do, reasons that we, at least, consider valid. The world might not deem what I do as right, but my brothers and I survive each new day by guarding ourselves. Our mother did this to us... she and our pathetic excuse for a father.
The woman who gave birth to us had been cheating on our father, her husband, and that’s what had led to their deaths. My father had been a weak man, and it’s something that I’m determined never to be. I’m not the sort of man a woman brings home to her parents. And I have no regrets about this.
McKenzie and I walk into the development department where about twenty people are busy working, but I stop in my tracks as I spot a new employee sitting at a desk, concentrating on the computer in front of her. I can’t turn away as I take in the mussed dark tresses traveling down her back that she’s obviously run her fingers through a thousand times and the ill-fitted suit she’s wearing that’s showing a hint of tempting cleavage... just enough to have my mouth going a little dry.
The woman turns in her seat, causing her modest skirt to pull up, giving me a glimpse of her tanned thighs that are certainly toned and tantalizing and just the right shape for my hands to wander across. I’ve never been this drawn to a woman at first glance. She might be the first woman in a very long time to inspire a small trace of lust in me. Small? Hell, what I’m feeling as I stare at this woman is anything but small.
I tune out McKenzie as I wait for this new employee to turn, to look up, and to see me. What will happen when our eyes connect? Maybe I’ll feel nothing... then I can be done with these strange hormones invading me. The worst part of this invasion is that this is my sanctuary, my offices, the place my brothers and I built with our own hands. I don’t get thrown off in this building... not ever... not until spotting this damn woman.
Finally, after what feels like forever, her eyes lift... and the room disappears. I take an involuntary step backward, the power of our connection so intense it literally makes me stumble. Never in my life have I looked at a woman with such intensity. Never before have I been filled with such a flood of desire for a woman... especially without a single word being spoken between us. Right in this moment I’ll do almost anything to possess this stranger. This thought should stop me cold... but I’m not running.
“What’s her name?” I ask.
“Who?” McKenzie asks, breaking off in the middle of whatever sentence she was saying, looking out at the room, finally realizing I’m not listening to her. I don’t bother saying who as it’s more than clear who I’m staring at. The woman looks a bit in shock before she turns away, hiding from this intensity between us.
“Um... her name is Jewel. She’s been here less than a week. She seems to be doing well, but she’s still in her trial phase,” McKenzie says. “I see some raw talent and good traits, but we need to investigate her further.”
My brothers and I are sticklers when it comes to our employees. We need to trust our staff so they go through an intense trial period. If their background checks come back badly, they’re out. They have to sign many papers to even begin. We build billion-dollar complexes, and use a lot of other people’s money. We need staff we don’t have to keep an eye on to be handling the business.
“Jewel,” I whisper. I start walking toward her before I realize I’m moving. McKenzie doesn’t seem to know what to do as this hasn’t happened before.
Jewel looks up again as if she can sense me coming. The woman next to her looks up and smiles at me. It takes all I have to nod at her. I have eyes for only one woman right now.
“Hello, Mr. Astor. We didn’t know you were coming down today,” the other woman says. I believe her name’s Lisa.
“We’re simply doing a walk through, Lisa,” McKenzie says when I say nothing. “How are things going?”
This is why McKenzie’s in the position she is. She’s good at her job and the employees like her. I’m too intense. I’m well aware of this, but I’m okay with it.
“How are you enjoying working here?” I ask, gazing at Jewel, who seems uncomfortable with the full force of my attention on her.
“It’s a great place to work,” she says, her soft voice husky, a bit unsure, her fingers clenching as they rest in her lap. It’s clear she’s aware I’m an owner since Lisa said my last name. She just isn’t clear why I’m speaking to her. Hell, I don’t know why I am. It’s almost like it’s happening against my will.
“Blake Astor,” I say, holding out my hand.
Her fingers tremble as she lifts her own hand... and then her fingers are clasped in mine and sparks shoot between us in the most delicious way as her cheeks turn pink. The raw innocence behind her blue depths has to be fake... doesn’t it? Who cares? I want this woman. I need this woman. Everything within me is telling me to possess her, and to do it right now. Because I want to do just that... I let her go, then turn and walk away without saying another word.
I leave the floor, quickly telling McKenzie I have things to do. I march to my office and shut the door. What in the hell is wrong with me? A smirk curves my lips upward. A woman. That’s what’s wrong with me. It’salwaysa woman who takes down the strongest of men. Maybe I’m not as strong as I believe. Maybe I’m just as weak as my father.
This thought fills me with fury. No! I’ll have her fired. I reach for my phone, intending to call McKenzie to tell her to dismiss this latest employee... but I can’t make myself dial. After a full minute I slam the receiver back in place.
I jump from my seat and move to the window to gaze at the Seattle skyline. I have a feeling that things are about to get messy in my life... and there’s nothing I’m going to be able to do to stop it.
Chapter Review
Chapter Five
My arms stretch abovemy head as I try to focus on the clock sitting on top of a book next to my makeshift bed on the floor in this crummy apartment. The blurriness starts to come into focus, and I see it’s six in the morning. I smile, oddly enough not wanting to throw the clock against the wall for the first time in a long while as I wake up early. I’m not a morning person on the best of days.
Things are better now, though. Ilovemy job. I’ve been there for a month and my first paycheck was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Astor Corp pays their employees well, and I won’t do a single thing to mess up my job. I love it far too much.
I dance my way into my tiny bathroom and get ready with purpose. I’m going to be reunited with my brother... soon. Once that happens the two of us will run to the farthest reaches of the planet if we have to... though I love this job and don’t want to leave. Still, nothing and no one will ever separate us again.
I’m not willing to spend much money, but I did make a trip to the local Goodwill and got some decent office attire. I stayed in darker shades and similar items so it won’t be so clear to everyone that I’m wearing the same things over and over again. I get dressed, then stand in front of the rusty mirror and smile, something I’ve done much of in the past several months.