It’s absurd to want more. I’m getting a second chance at life, and if I ask for too much, I’m setting myself up for heartbreak. I have Justin, an incredible sex life with Blake, and security. That’s more than most people have, so I’m damn well going to smile and appreciate my blessings instead of focusing on what I lack.
My veil in place, I look at my image in the mirror. My gown is simple, made of white chiffon that flows to the ground, with delicate beadwork on the bodice and sleeves that billow until they reach my wrists. The dress is molded to my torso and floats around my legs, making me feel like I’m walking through a breeze.
Even my jewel-encrusted shoes sparkle as my toes peek out with each step I take. I look like a happy bride. I’m surprised by how quickly the wedding came together. I expected nothing more than a quick exchange of vows in front of the justice of the peace at the county courthouse. This is better.
We’re about to wed in the backyard of our home, and every time I sit out on the deck, I’ll be able to remember this day. And when the marriage ends, as it inevitably will, I’ll leave this home behind and, if I’m lucky, leave the memories behind too.
“You look stunning,” McKenzie says as she stands beside me. “Blake’s a very lucky man.”
“Sissy, are you ready?”
Justin is standing in the doorway. He’s so grown up at only ten, looking more handsome than ever in his little black tux, his hair combed into place, and no dirt smudges on his cheeks.
“Oh, Justin, you look so handsome,” I say as I bend down and hold out my arms.
He doesn’t hesitate to run over and hug me as hard as I hug him. “I love you so much,” I tell him, squeezing a little too tight, not caring if it musses my dress.
“I love you too, Sissy,” he responds before he backs away as he pulls himself together. I take my brother’s hand, and we follow McKenzie to the back doors of the house, where I hear music begin.
“I’m so glad you’re walking with me,” I tell Justin, “because from here on out everything we do will be together.”
“I love Blake, Sissy,” he says, his eyes shining up at me.
“I know you do, Bubby. He loves you too.”
We stop talking as the two of us proceed through the doors and begin the short walk down the red-carpeted path to the stage. When I look up, my gaze meets Blake’s and I stop for a moment, my heart racing at the expression in his eyes.
For one moment, I let go of all of my worries, of all of the pain I’ve been through, and I let go of my doubts. I imagine this is all real, and I’m walking down the aisle toward a man I can’t live without, and who can’t live without me. My lips lift, and my smile grows when I see the possessiveness in his eyes. His look is all for me. It’s just the two of us, and everyone else fades away.
Bright red and orange splashes across the sky as the sun slowly sinks over the horizon, and with the music playing, no scene could be more perfect. Only a few people are here to witness our marriage, just the way I want it.
Standing next to Blake is Tyler, and, surprisingly, Byron. Though Byron doesn’t support our marriage, he does support his brother; the man isn’t as hard as he wants everyone to think he is. There’s hope for him yet.
I arrive at the altar, and Justin takes his role very seriously as he hands me over to Blake then moves to stand beside him, beside the man who will raise him — at least for as long as Blake wants to remain a part of our lives. I only have McKenzie next to me, and that’s fine. She’s become a true friend.
The ceremony starts without fuss, and Blake and I repeat the pastor’s words, but if someone quizzes me later on what was said, I’ll fail miserably. All I can do is repeat what I’m supposed to as I gaze into Blake’s eyes. He looks back at me with an intensity that puzzles me.
Yes, McKenzie’s right. I’m completely in love with Blake — a man I never should’ve fallen in love with. And I no longer care about my weakness. A person can choose the people to be friends with, but can’t choose the one their heart decides to let in.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Air sweeps from my lungs as Blake pulls me into his arms and takes my mouth in a kiss that seals us as one. I melt against him, in a daze when he pulls back, and look at the sparkle in his eyes.
“Now you’re forever mine, Jewel,” he whispers for only me to hear.
“I’ve been yours from the day we met,” I reply, making his lips turn up.
“We’re a family now,” Blake tells me, and he holds out his free arm to Justin, who steps up and throws his arms around his new uncle... or brother... or whatever we all are now.
“Yes, we are,” I say as tears flow down my cheeks. As the three of us walk down the aisle, my heart’s overflowing with joy. My only hope is that this joy will pass the test of time. It started so rocky. Can we have a happily ever after? A glimmer of hope tells me we might possibly be able to have just that.
Chapter Review
Chapter Fifty
How long can itpossibly take someone to change clothes?” I slam down a shot of bourbon and glare at my brothers. I want to be alone with my new bride. Patience is certainly not one of my virtues. Tyler laughs and Byron scoffs as we stand at the bar and gaze at the lights hanging from the trees.