Page 56 of A Kiss at Midnight

“Ah, Jewel, the fire in you is what made me come back, what makes me have to see this through to the end.”

“You mean until I get my brother back.” He stares at me in silence, showing nothing in his ice-cold eyes. I won’t break the silence, though. This is up to him.

“No, Jewel. We won’t be done until I’m finished with you.”

I have no idea what this can possibly mean... but I have no doubt this won’t be easy. It never is with this man.

Chapter Review

Chapter Thirty-Two


It’s excruciating. Myemotions continue a chaotic dance as Blake leans closer. But then, almost on a dime, he steps back and breaks into something like an actual smile. “Follow me.”

Without waiting to see whether I’ll obey, he pivots on his heel and walks from the room, leaving me sagging against the wall as I pray my knees won’t give out. Less than thirty minutes in Blake’s presence and I’m once again a complete mess.

I keep my distance, not because I’m afraid he’ll physically hurt me, but because I know what will happen if I end up in his arms again — I won’t be able to deny how much I’m attracted to this despicable man. I’m better than this... but I’m still here.

Forcing myself to follow, he’s in the kitchen making a pot of coffee, even though it’s late. I probably need the caffeine. My apartment is light and airy, but having Blake in here makes the place shrink and grow dark. This is his domain, not mine. I’m his paid mistress, and I feel it in every bone — no, in everycell— of my body.

When the coffee is ready, Blake pours us each a cup and, without a word, leads me to the sitting room. He makes himself comfortable, and I bet he enjoys watching howuncomfortable I am.

With my legs trembling, I decide it’s best if I sit on the nearest couch and focus on my coffee. No matter how long he drags this out, I’ll figure out his next move soon. And why worry about any of it? In this game, he’s fated to be the only winner.

“You seem unhappy, Jewel.”

“Do you honestly think I’m happy you’re buying me?”

“I expected a bit of appreciation.”

“You amaze me, Blake...”

He quickly interrupts. “Thank you.”

“That wasn’t meant as a compliment.”

“I’ll take it as one,” he replies. “You may be fighting me, but you aren’t disappointed I’m back.”

“Can we quit dancing around this, and you tell me what you expect?” He looks at me for several long moments. I bite my tongue to keep from asking him to speed it up.

“What do you think I want, Jewel?”

“To prove your power. You can’t control me, so you’re back for another chance to put the win in your column.”

“If that’s all I wanted, I could have it right now. This is just the beginning, but the ending isn’t in doubt here, because you want me as much as I want you. If I was in the mood to play power games, I’d do it in the boardroom. The way things play out there is less predictable, though even there, Ialwayswin.”

“Damn, you’re arrogant.”

“It’s not arrogance when it’s true.”

There’s no arguing with him. “Let’s get this over with, Blake. I’ve had a long day — a long year, for that matter — and the sooner this song and dance ends, the sooner I can rest.”

Utter exhaustion threatens to pull me under. I’ve run the gamut of emotions over the last few months, especially today, and I’m now barely able to stay awake, much less agile enough to spar with him. When Blake stands and moves over to sit by me, I don’t object.

“It doesn’t matter, you know,” I say, my defenses down.

“What doesn’t matter?” he asks while reaching for my hand, which I allow him to take. When he rests our joined fingers on his leg, I feel a spark, but I repress it.