My new contract will be a surprise. I need to keep her off-kilter. After our last night together, I can still taste the mint in the air, can still hear her gasps of pleasure, can still feel her body tightening around me. I tried to forget her, but wasn’t able to keep her from my thoughts. And now I found a reason to be with her again.
Finding out that she wasn’t cheating on me, that she really does have a brother, changed things for me in ways that would surprise a lot of people if they knew the whole story.
“Okay, Max, I admit she tried telling me the truth and I shut her down. But still, Jewel and I have unfinished business. When our business is done, wewillchange our relationship — after we both get what we need,” I say. “Does that sound more reasonable?”
“I think you’re lying to yourself, and you’re being more than a little irrational. This woman is more than you’re making her out to be. Give her a chance. Don’t continue making her into the prostitute you’ve decided she is.”
“I don’t need to know her. She’s a woman, and you know how I feel about women. I want her lying beneath me — or on top. I’m an equal-opportunity kind of guy,” I say with a smirk.
“You can have any woman you want lying in your bed. But it’s Jewel you choose — that means something.”
I know I’m being unreasonable, but I won’t confess this out loud. I want Jewel with a passion I can’t explain. It’s much easier if I play a bad guy. I can justify being a villain. Actually caring for a woman is something I certainly can’t accept. Anyone who does is a complete sap in my opinion.
“I’ll repeat myself,” Max continues. “I think there’s more between you and Jewel than you’re ready to admit, and I won’t push you, but I’ll tell you to be careful. If you’re cruel, you won’t stand a chance with her, and you won’t like the way things end.”
“If I want counseling, I’ll seek a professional,” I reply, and look at my watch for the hundredth time.
“Don’t worry; I throw in counseling services free of charge,” Max says with a grin.
“How about I pay you extra to keep your mouth shut?”
Max laughs. “You can try.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll soon grow weary of her, and then I’ll send her on her way — in my own time, and without advice from you or anyone else.”
“Who are you trying to convince here, boss? Me... or yourself?”
“I don’t have to convince anyone,” I say, “and I don’t have to justify myself.”
“If that’s true, why are you so upset?”
“I’m not upset, Max,” I shout. In any normal building, the walls would be visibly shaking.
“Whatever you say, boss. But if you want some real advice, set her free, and see if she still wants to be with you.”
“Set her free? Have you gone bonkers, Max? She’s the one who came to me with her idea. She’s the one who propositionedme. I got ticked, and walked away. With this new contract, she won’t be able to turn away. She’ll get what she wants... and so will I.”
“If you want to control her, go ahead and play this out any which way you want, but if you’re truly interested in Jewel, you’re going to have to change your strategy.”
“I’m lost. What are you saying?” I follow Max’s lead and begin pacing the room. I shouldn’t be listening to this, but I have a lot of respect for my employee.
“Instead of owning her, offer to be a partner,” Max says. “Help her do the one thing she’s been trying to do for months.”
“I am helping her.” I’m confused and don’t know what to think of my crazy driver.
“She needs more than to be in your bed. Give her whatever it takes to get her brother back. You have power, influence, money. You can get her brother back in a week. Do that, and she’ll willingly be yours.”
“But she’s already mine.”
“You have her until she has her brother,” Max points out. “Are you so sure you can keep her after that if you’ve treated her with nothing but disdain?”
“I don’t know what you want me to do.” My frustration is growing. I’m wavering. What if Max has valid points? No! He doesn’t, right?
Max speaks again. “I’m going to get some paperwork done, boss. Let me know when you’re ready to leave.” He stands and walks from the room.
I sit back down, close my eyes, and run a hand through my hair. Max has always been the voice of reason when nothing else seems to make sense. I don’t want to silence him. Well, maybe I want to silence him right now, and anytime the subject is about this particular woman. But overall, I do need one person I can talk to who won’t hold anything back. And Max is certainly not a yes-man.
Though I’ve only physically spent a few weeks with Jewel, it’s affected me far more than I care to admit, even to myself. The woman intrigues me, makes me feel things I’ve never felt. But there’s no way these feelings can last. She and I simply need to play our story out... then we can both come to a satisfying conclusion.