He doesn’t wait for my response, but instead leaves the room. I get up, shower, then make my way down the stairs, surprised to find him still here. I don’t say a word. I want to return to my place, but I can’t because of the fitting. I move into the kitchen and make coffee and food for myself. I’mnotserving him.
I’m relieved when the doorbell rings after half an hour of uncomfortable silence. I can get through this, then go home.A petite woman walks in, with an assistant dragging a rack with several dresses on it.
A dress fitting — so not me. This is one more thing in a long line of things I never thought I’d have any part of before meeting Blake. It won’t be so bad to go to some stuffy event. It isn’t like I’ll ever socialize with any of the attendees when my time with Blake is over.
“You must be Jewel,” the woman says and proceeds to look me up and down with what seems to be a suppressed sneer as she circles me. When Blake leans back on the couch, I feel like screaming. He’s going to sit here the entire time and make me uncomfortable. Why? This can’t be his idea of a good time.
“I need you to strip down to your panties,” the woman says as she pulls out a tape measure.
“Excuse me?” I look over to the young man who’s standing silently by the clothing rack.
“I need you to strip down to your panties,” she repeats as if she’s dealing with a small, disobedient child. I’m about to throw a fit, so that description might fit.
“Can we go to the bathroom, or something?” I ask as I again look at the young man, and then at Blake, who isn’t looking at the tablet anymore, his attention fully focused on me.
“No. I need the light and space in this room. You’re wasting my time, Jewel,” the woman says and takes a step closer. I have no doubt that if I don’t strip, the woman will do it for me. Andthatisn’t going to happen.
I begin removing my clothes, trying to remind myself this kid has seen it all before. It doesn’t ease my humiliation. When I’m down to my panties, which don’t cover much, I close my eyes and stand still while the woman tells me to hold out my arms, and moves this way and that.
By the time the measurements are finished, I’ve been touched and poked, and the woman has had the gall to comment on some of my trouble areas. I don’t know how I manage to hold back the scream lodging in my throat. I refuse to make eye contact with Blake.
Next comes a show of dresses. Of course there isn’t time to make one from scratch. I’ll have to choose, and the woman will tailor it to my body. Blake rejects dress after dress, and by the eighth one I’m sick of slipping them on and off.
“No. This one isn’t right. Didn’t I give you specific directions on what I want?” Blake snaps. The woman’s nose turns up an inch higher at this comment, and I’m surprised. I didn’t think sticking that snoot up any higher was humanly possible.
“I assure you I’ve never not pleased a client, Mr. Astor,” she says, her tone respectful even if her expression isn’t. She pulls out another dress, and he leans forward. “This one,” he says before I have a chance to try it on.
“Let’s see how it looks,” the woman says in a warning tone as the young man slides it over my head.
The material is similar to a few I’ve already tried on, but the fit is better, even without tailoring. It dips low in the front and back and ends high on my thighs, but it almost feels like I’m wearing nothing at all, because it’s so light.
“Yes, this is the one.”
The boy helps me out of the dress, and I stand with my arms crossed, trying to protect my naked body from their view, even though they’ve been staring at me shamelessly for the past hour.
“I’ll have the dress ready by Friday morning,” the woman says before making a quick exit. I move over to my discarded clothes and gather them. I move into the bathroom, not saying a word when I return, then leave his apartment. He doesn’t try to stop me.
I don’t take a good breath until I close and lock my door, leaning against it. How am I going to make it through this? I remind myself that I’m strong. There’s nothing I can’t do. I’ll make it through this nightmare, and come out on the other side stronger.
Chapter Review
Chapter Twenty-Three
Oooh, that’s goingto leave a mark!”
I spew out water as I pull myself up on the wakeboard. I send a glare straight to Tyler, who’s busy laughing as he looks at me; I hope he chokes on his own tongue.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m just fine,” I snap, determined to master this ridiculous sport.
“I wasn’t worried,” Tyler assures me as he waits until I’m holding the rope and my feet are firmly planted on the wakeboard. He then holds up his hand, and Blake puts the boat into full throttle as I struggle to stand on my feet.
We’re at the lake, and have been here for the past three hours. I haven’t spoken a single word to Blake since we left his apartment, and I’m more than happy to continue not speaking to him for the next few days, not after being an absolute ass to me since our discussion over my brother.
He’s the one who asked me why I’m doing this job, and then treated me terribly when I spoke the truth. Let him think I’m a liar. I need him for one thing only. I can’t believe I had a weak moment and opened up to him.
What has he done in the past weeks to prove I can trust him? Absolutely nothing. I was a fool to tell him anything, but it won’t happen again.