Page 28 of A Kiss at Midnight

Do you like your garments? I personally picked them.

Don’t ignore your phone. I’ve already told you I don’t like that.

Dammit, Jewel, quit being difficult. Do you want this to end? I’m more than willing to find a woman who’s more... cooperative.

This one makes my stomach clench, but I can’t show him fear, can’t give him that power. He thinks I’m nothing more than a slut, and I sort of have to agree with him there, but I can’t let go of my pride. I do need to keep him happy, though.

You drive me crazy!

Are you in the tub?

I gaze at the device as I stand in his bathroom and grin. He might eventually break me, but he hasn’t yet, and I won’t go down without a fight.

I’m currently naked, hot, and wet. Think about that, Mr. Astor.

As soon as I hit send, I turn off my phone, then step into the tub. If he wants to think of me as nothing more than his own personal slut, I’ll act like one. I know who I am, and he won’t change how I feel about myself. The water is hot and smells heavenly. I slide down deep and let out a sigh. I may never leave this beautiful thing.

I wish I could hate this man, but as arrogant and demanding as he is I’m anticipating him coming home... looking forward to what will happen next. He’s woken something in me... and I don’t think it will ever be shut off again. Bring it on, Blake, because this is only beginning.

Chapter Review

Chapter Seventeen


I loosen my tie.I know better than to play games with a woman, to allow her to get to me, to consume me, to think of nothing but her. I’ve seen what that does to other men, yet here I am doing the same damn thing as so many of the other fools who’ve come before me. I’m well aware of what Jewel’s doing. She’s trying to gain back some of the control she thinks I’ve taken away.

Instead of being frustrated with her, instead of wanting to punish her, to send her away, I’m more excited than I was when I first met her. The damn woman makes me crazy... and I seem to like it.

She’s pushing me just enough to turn me on, to make me want to leave my office and rush home to show her who’s in charge. I’ll take great pleasure in doing just that... but not on her timeline... on mine.

Right now though, I have to force myself to remain seated. I refuse to rush home, because thatisgiving her power, and I’m unwilling to do that. This exciting battle of wills will continue, and I’ll sit right here, dammit.

As much as I tell myself I have to focus on anything other than Jewel, I can’t think of anything but her in crystal clear water, her skin soft and silky, her body deep in the tub, her breasts gently swaying as she moves.

I lean back, close my eyes, and imagine her squirting soap into her hands, rubbing them together, then starting at her neck and slowly moving her hands down the sweet curve of her breasts.

I dive deeper, picturing her massaging her nipples with her thumb and forefinger, letting her head lean back against the rim of the tub. My arousal painfully pulses as my fantasy continues.

I can see her lips parting, a moan escaping her sweet red lips. A groan escapes me as I fight cardiac arrest, but I still don’t stop. I see her hands traveling down the luscious line of her stomach, moving between her spread legs... then sliding along her hot, sleek folds as she pants in excitement.

My body pulses and I jump from my chair, unable to take another second of this. I don’t give a damn if she has the power to drag me back home. I need her. She’s mine... and I’m going to take what’s been offered to me.

The offices are empty as it’s the weekend, so I practically run from the building as I fly down the stairs, too impatient to wait for an elevator. I reach my car and peel from the parking garage, squealing my tires before entering the busy road. I need to get home.

The drive is a blur and I’m shocked when I manage to park my car without hitting another vehicle. I don’t question it as I jump out and dash for my private elevator. Impatiently I tap my foot while the stupid box takes an obscene amount of time to reach my penthouse apartment.

I only slow down once I’m inside the apartment. I take a deep breath and tell myself I’m in control, I can turn around and walk back out if I choose to. I almost roll my eyes at myself. If that were the case, why do my feet keep moving forward, and why am I now bounding up the stairs?

My bathroom door is cracked open, and I hear a sigh that makes my already hard body throb painfully. After stripping naked, I take another breath and fling the door open. It bangs against the wall, and my reward is seeing Jewel’s eyes widen.

She sits up in shock. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed to see you after your taunts,” I say as I stride forward, my arousal proudly jutting out.

“I... uh...”

“Don’t know what to say now that I’m standing here, Jewel? Did you really think you could play games with me and not see them through?”