Page 12 of A Kiss at Midnight

“At least tell us her name,” Byron demands.

They aren’t going to leave me alone about this. “Jewel,” I finally say. Just the sound of her name on my lips feels right. I’ve done nothing to curb the power of the crush I feel toward this woman. This isn’t good.

“I’m not doing this. The man can do business with us based on our merit, not on our damn sex lives. He’s either in or he’s out... period.”

Tyler and Byron look at me, much less conviction in their gazes.

“What’s wrong with a hot woman on your arm... and in your bed?” Tyler asks. “If it helps seal a deal, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“I’m not screwing someone to get a job,” I insist.

“You wouldn’t be screwing her to get a job. You’d have her on your arm to push us over the edge of the other guys. The screwing would be an added bonus,” Bryon says with his trademark grin that draws the ladies to him.

“This is ridiculous and stupid for us to even be thinking about,” I say as I stand, moving to the window and looking out at the rapidly darkening sky.

“We’ve done worse to get what we want,” Tyler points out.

I don’t bother to reply. I’ve made myself clear about how I feel on this. The thing is, it doesn’t sound horrible to ask her to be mine... for a short time. It’s wrong to do it because someone’s trying to make me. I can’t do this... can I?

My brothers keep talking, but I’m no longer listening. I’m lost in my own thoughts. I’m torn. On one hand I want to make this happen... on the other... I won’t be told what to do. It’s a damn good thing I have no idea that we’re currently being overheard... by the last person I’d want to hear this conversation. We might all be going to hell together.

Chapter Review

Chapter Seven


It’s been a week sinceI walked past Blake’s office... and heard the conversation he was having with his brothers. No, I wasn’t spying. I’d been told to drop something off with his secretary who wasn’t at her desk. Then I heard talking. The door was open and there were three sets of incredibly deep, mesmerizing voices speaking. What girl would turn away? Apparently not this one. I moved forward and listened in for a moment, guilt eating away at me for spying.

I then walked away in shock, at first offended he’d been speaking about me as if I was nothing more than a piece of meat that could be his if he wanted to take a bite. But then... well then, it had me thinking. I’ve got a problem I can’t seem to solve on my own. What if we can make a deal together? What if we can do something that will be mutually beneficial?

Blake’s brother had told him to give me money, use my body, and then find me a new job. I do need more funds, but more than that right now, I need to have a man on my arm, show the courts I can provide a stable family for my brother. It’s frustrating and ridiculous, but I vowed to do anything to get Justin back. That’s exactly what I’m willing to do.

At first the thought of sex with the man horrified me. I’ve had some time to think about it though. I’m twenty-four years old... and he’s hot. If I’m going to experiment, he’s the man to do it with. I’m not sure how I feel about all of this, but I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t attracted to him. I don’t like the thought of being a whore, but my brother needs me. It’s just sex. It happens every single day all around the world. I can do this... and I don’t think it will be a hardship when it comes to such a gorgeous man.

Icando this. I’ve been telling myself this for the past week. I’ve now recruited an old friend to help me. I take in a deep breath and walk forward into her salon. If I’m going to seduce Blake Astor, I’m dang well going to need help. He might’ve made comments to his brothers about me, but he hasn’t made a move on me since that meeting. It’s time for me to make the first move. I know he stays late on Fridays in the offices where he can be alone, something I’ve discovered he likes a lot. It’s now or never. My friend Amy greets me, then takes me to a back room.

“We’re going to turn you into a dream,” she promises.

I let out a breath. “I’m scared.”

“You don’t have to do this.”

“Yes, I do.”

I’ve told her everything. We used to be friends when I was in high school. We lost contact over the years, but when I called her, she was more than happy to reconnect. It doesn’t do me any good to hide away. I need friends. I need people in my life. I need Amy.

She doesn’t say anything more as we begin. She starts by cutting and highlighting my hair, then doing my makeup to perfection. It takes hours, but that’s okay. Blake will be at the office all night. If he’s not there when I get back, I guess the fates have spoken and this isn’t the route I’m supposed to take.

By the time Amy shows me the clothes, I’m a mess, my nerves jumping. Amy smiles as she turns me to look in the mirror. I don’t recognize myself in the short dress that hugs my curves and highlights my body. This is what I wanted. I need Blake to want me, to lust after me.

I’m putting myself up for sale, hoping he’ll bite. I’m turning myself into an empty shell, and it’s best for me to keep emotion out of this. My gaze meets Amy’s in the mirror.

“You look incredible, Jewel,” she whispers, her voice sounding both sad and awed.

I nod at her, too choked up to speak, then turn back to the mirror. I’m staring at a stranger as I meet my own gaze. My long, dark hair has been shortened. Expertly applied makeup conceals the circles beneath my eyes, and bright red lipstick matches my dress to perfection. My legs are on full display, one of my best assets if I had to pick. Amy agrees.
