It’s awkward enough for me being here, without him throwing another woman down my throat. But who cares, right? I’m just a fling. Why in the heck am I such a mess right now?
A man bumps into me, breaking my eye contact with Blake, and when he turns to apologize, he stops and stares, his words trapped in his throat.
“Um... excuse me,” I say, and try to brush past him.
He subtly blocks me. “What’s your name?” His tone is polite. I shouldn’t talk to him, but I have nowhere else to go.
“Jewel,” I tell him.
“That’s a beautiful name.” Okay, maybe flirting with this man isn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. Blake will be furious if he sees. He looks at me ashispossession until our time ends.
“Thank you. I really should be going,” I say.
“What’s the rush? Why don’t you have a drink with me?”
“I’m here with someone,” I say as I try to move again.
“I’m better than whomever you’re with,” he tells me with a cocky gaze.
“The lady’s with me.”
I’m relieved when Blake breaks in and puts his arm around me, easily taking me from the other man’s grasp. The rage shimmering off of him doesn’t seem to be directed at me... for once.
“I’m sorry, Blake; I didn’t realize she was with you,” the man says, looking properly chastised.
“Now you know,” Blake says. With that, Blake pulls me away, and my heart starts slowing only when we’re halfway across the room. Then it picks right back up when the woman I saw him with a few minutes earlier interrupts our escape.
“Blake, aren’t you going to introduce us?”
Blake stops, and to my utter amazement, his expression softens, causing instant jealousy to rush through my veins. Who is this snake-charming woman, a woman who can enchant Blake Astor with nothing but a few words? Not that it matters... because he isn’t mine... and I don’t want him to be.
“Jewel, this is Monica,” Blake says. “Monica, Jewel, my date.”
Monica sticks out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jewel.”
I have no choice but to shake the woman’s hand — if I don’t, I’ll look rude. So I give the obligatory handshake, then move back as quickly as possible. “Nice to meet you as well.” This is the biggest lie I’ve spoken in a long time.
Blake leads us to a corner table and holds out both of our chairs before seating himself between us. Though I make my face a mask of unconcern, the longer I sit with Blake and Monica, the more irate I become.
How dare he drag me to this worthless event only to ignore me? How dare he flaunt another woman in my face? Okay, it isn’t as if I own him. Heck, we aren’t even in a real relationship. But still, it’s rude.
After we finish dinner, Blake asks me for a dance. I’m less than enthusiastic, but I have to admit feeling the slightest bit of satisfaction that he’s asking me andnotMonica. Though I’m sure he’ll trade us off quickly enough.
I’m stiff in his arms when he tries to pull me close, and he looks down with puzzlement. “Aren’t you having a nice night? These events can be slightly dry, but the music is good, and the food is better than most.”
“I’m fine,” I say, my words clipped.
He stops in the middle of the dance floor, not caring if anyone notices us. “Jewel, obviously something is wrong. Is it that man?” he asks as his eyes scan the room.
“No. He’s nobody,” I say, surprised I’ve forgotten about him during my uncomfortable time at the table with Blake and Monica.
“Tell menow, Jewel!” He isn’t as kind now; the domineering Blake has taken over.
“Fine! I think it’s rude for you to bring me here when you already had a date. How many does one guy need? Especially since you andMonicaseem to get along so well,” I snap. I instantly regret my words.
His expression goes from shock to confusion and then, to my utter outrage, to amusement. His lips turn up, and before I can say another word, he lets out a chuckle, and then full-blown laughter.
“I’m not going to stand here and take this.” To hell with this. I’m out of here.