Sensation washes through me, forgetting where we are. When he moves his hand to the hem of my skirt and begins raising it, I’m in the throes of a desperate internal struggle. There are security guards here. I really don’t want to be caught in this position with the boss. I should’ve shut the dang door. This is what I want, though. This is what I came here for. I can’t think, dammit.
It’s impossible to reason with his masculine scent surrounding me, making my stomach clench as need claws through me. This is something new... something I’ve never felt before. I wasn’t planning on feeling so much attraction when I started on this mission.
I need to take control of the situation. I was the stronger one, and somehow he’s managed to take over. No more. I step away from him, give him what I hope is a seductive smile, then move back so he has a clear view of me.
“Do we have a deal?” I huskily ask.
“I’m not sure yet,” he says, not showing any emotion in his beautiful silver eyes.
“Then let’s make you surer,” I tell him. Holding the fear back, I begin undoing the buttons on the side of my dress. The air is warm in his office and I remind myself I’m playing a role here.
I shrug off the dress, leaving me standing in nothing but my skimpy bra and panties, the dim lighting of the room accentuating my body as I gaze at him with my head held high and my shoulders back. I dare him to turn me away. He won’t get anything unless we have a deal.
It’s not too big of a deal, because all relationships are this way. Some people demand items, and some people want emotional payments, buteveryoneis looking for something when they pick a partner. I’m looking for a person to assure the courts my brother will be fine with me. If only they knew. It’d all be a joke, the whole system is screwed up.
“Do you want to see more?” I ask, making my lips turn up in a slight smile.
“Yes,” he says.
“Then do we have a deal?”
He gazes at me with what appears to be respect showing in his eyes. The emotion flashes by so quickly I might be imagining it.
“What’s my part in all of this?” he asks.
“I give you whatever you want while you finish your business deal... and you appear in court with me... once,” I tell him.
His eyes narrow. “Court?” he asks. “For what?”
“That doesn’t matter right now. It’s not illegal.Apparentlyour justice system is still rigged, and a woman isn’t good enough without a man in a sexist judge’s eyes,” I spit out. I have to rein it in before I go off on a tangent.
“You have me intrigued,” he says.
“I don’t care if you’re intrigued. I want to know if we have a deal.”
I’m standing before him in red lace that isn’t leaving much to the imagination. I won’t go any further with this unless I have his word. A man like Blake doesn’t lie. If he tells me we have a deal, it’s set. There’s still a small part of me that wants him to turn me down. The larger part, the piece of me that has to help my brother needs him to say yes. I ignore the part that knows I’ll enjoy my time with him.
“We have a deal,” he huskily whispers. I feel a mixture of euphoria and fear. This is what I want. He doesn’t move. If I don’t finish this little game, the deal will be off. I need to be braver than I’ve ever been before.
I reach in front of me and unclip my bra, letting it glide open before I slowly slide it down my arms, then let it float to the floor below. I can’t stop a blush from burning my cheeks as the air touches my nipples and they harden, his gaze narrowing as he clenches his fingers, not as much in control as he wants me to believe.
“Beautiful,” he huskily whispers, and this one little word gives me courage to continue.
I can’t hesitate any longer so without further delay, I hook my thumbs in the elastic of my panties and draw them down my legs, then kick them out of the way, leaving me standing before him in nothing but a garter and red heels. I slowly spin, then face him again and give a hint of a smile.
My stomach is shaking as I begin walking toward him, leaving my pile of clothes behind. Am I about to lose my virginity on a desk in my boss’s office? It’s so damn cliché, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t turned on. This is so out of my league, but I’m loving it because of this simple fact... even if I’m doing all of this because I’ve been forced into it.
I move up to Blake and gently run my fingers down his arm. I’m really unsure of what to do next. I’ve never been a seductress. I needed to watch a few movies to figure out this much. How pathetic is that? He’s clearly turned on though, so I’m doing something right.
He reaches for me, touching my throat, then slowly moving his finger down between my breasts and circling across my trembling stomach. He stops and splays his hand over my flesh, making my already hot body even warmer, making me shake before him.
“Very beautiful,” he says almost reverently. His touch alone is making it difficult to stand upright because my knees are shaking, and I feel like fire is licking through my veins. I take in a deep breath then run my fingers from his arm to his chest. I feel a shiver beneath his clothes.
I move downward, and my fingers skim over his pants where his hardness pulses beneath the material. I’m hot and breathless. He wants me... and I want him too. I wasn’t expecting to feel this need. I expected this to be a chore... not a pleasure.
I run my fingers over his hardness, then squeeze through the pants, satisfaction filling me as he sucks in a breath of air. This is what power feels like... this is control. No one will ever own him, but in this moment he’s mine to do with as I want. This gives me confidence, gives me courage.
I’m shaking as I kneel before him and reach for the button of his pants, then slowly slide his zipper down. He tenses beneath my touch as I open his pants, finding silk underwear beneath. I should hate this, should despise this man, but I don’t.