Page 140 of All Your Reasons Why

“Hey, girlie,” Logan flashes me a huge smile. “Go easy on our boy, will you? Also, when’s the next movie marathon? Love me some toxic sludge pudding.”

“How much has been going on that I knew nothing about?” Cece looks mildly miffed.

“Oh, other than the invasion of a small country, fighting off a horde of werewolves, and a few bank heists, really nothing,” I assure her.

“Hmmph.” She’s pouting.

“I will invite you to the next movie marathon. Just be aware, these guys are really into zombies.”

“There you are.” Mason somehow managed to sneak past me. He grabs me and pulls me into his arms for a hug.

He’s all sweaty and damp, but I don’t care. The hug goes on and on. Players are streaming past us.

“I ran into Harrison,” he murmurs in my ear. “He wants to be our ring bearer, and apparently Mariah is going to be the flower girl?”

“Are we rushing things a little?” I laugh.

Instead of answering, he grabs me by the hand and drags me out of the room. “I don’t want to share you with anyone else anymore,” he tells me. “You’re mine. All mine.”

“Greedy.” He’s pulling me down the hall, away from the crowd. Around a corner. And to a door that I recognize.

“Just so you know, that’s a closet,” I point out.

“Just so you know, I already know that.” He yanks the door open and moves me in, then shuts the door behind us.

It’s pitch black.

He lets go of me for a moment. I hear him fumbling around. “Turn the light on,” I order him.

“Not yet. Okay, I just locked the door.”

He grabs me and pulls me up against him, and I stumble and fall into his arms. Somehow, in the pitch dark of the closet, his lips find mine, and he’s kissing me, warm and hungry.

I kiss him back as if we’re floating in the depths of space and he’s my only oxygen. His lips are soft and hungry, his hands cradling my face. I press up against him, wanting to feel every inch of him.

This is what’s been missing from my life all along. This feeling of completeness, of finding my other half. What my parents always had, what I yearned for ... it’s right here in my arms now.


The Daily Snitch

June 1st

Dear reader, it is with great sorrow that I confirm Mason Raker is officially off the market. Seems that “Strawberry” was working double time. She’s stolen his heart and all of our dreams. Curse you Strawberry…

Okay… so that might’ve gone too far. We apologize for the outburst.

With the Stanley Cup approaching and the Rovers securing their spot, we can’t wait to see what other forms of PDA we’ll be subjected to. It’s not every day you see a girlfriend allowed on the ice. But alas, for the team’s newest golden boy, anything goes.

We’re not bitter at all.

This star stalker is on the prowl for our next obsession, and we can’t help but have our eyes on Paxton Saul. Rumor has it he has a Comparative Language degree with a minor in poetry. Can you say swoon? Paxton Saul can wax poetic to us any day.

Until next time dear readers.