Page 133 of All Your Reasons Why

“Something else.” Her purse is sitting on the conference room table. She reaches in and pulls out a large box of Rovers chocolates from her purse.

“Cecelia,” I gasp. “You?”

She shrugs. “It’s a special occasion. Now, you are going to close your eyes. I am going to lift the lid. You are going to reach into the box, and select a chocolate, and if it turns out that it’s Mason’s chocolate, then you need to go to him.”

“Cecilia.” I burst into laughter. “Are you suggesting that I stake my entire romantic future on whether I accidentally select the correct square of chocolate?”

She raises her perfectly penciled brows. “Would it help if I told you my psychic told me to do this for you, and that you would make the right choice?”

I snort in amusement. “If I believe that actually happened ... still no.”

The door opens, and Ansley walks in.

“Good lord, that took you long enough,” Cecelia says to her. “I was afraid Amanda had eaten you.”

“Me? No, I’m pretty sure she’s a gluten-free girl,” Ansley says, looking amused. “We finally piled her into a cab. A patrolman had to threaten to arrest her when she tried to punch me.”

“Good lord.” Cecelia winces. “One of the first things that you and Rowan are going to have to work on, together, is an announcement from Queensby spinning this in the best possible light. Coordinate it with Mr. Talman, because it also involves the Rovers. All right, now, it’s chocolate time.”

“Chocolate time?” Ansley echoes. “You’re allergic to calories, Cecelia. You allow yourself chocolate once a year.”

“Not for me, for Rowan. I’m helping her make a very important life decision.”

“With chocolate?”

“Thank you,” I speak up. “Cecelia actually wants me to close my eyes, reach in the box, and if I pick out the Mason Raker chocolate, then we’re destined to be together? How weird is that?”

“Not one of my sister’s absolute weirdest ideas,” Ansley says, earning her a dirty look from Cecelia. “I’m interested to see how this turns out.” She lifts the box lid in her direction so I can’t peek, looks at the chocolates, and gives them a puzzled look. Then she sets the lid down again.

“Come along now, Rowan. You an Ansley have a campaign to plan, and you’ve got a man to make up with,” Cecelia says impatiently.

I heave a martyred sigh and roll my eyes, but when Cecelia wants something, it’s impossible to say no to her.

“Fine, let’s just get this over with.”

I close my eyes. I reach out with my hand, and feel around for the box, and grab a chocolate. The box lid snaps shut.

I open my eyes.

It’s Mason.

“What are the odds?” Cecelia crows.

“What, indeed?” Her sister echoes dryly.

“Wait a minute.” I shove the Mason chocolate in my mouth and reach for the box.

“No, no, that’s cheating,” Cecelia chastises me. She starts to walk away, clutching the box to her chest. I think of the puzzled look that Ansley gave when she peeked at the chocolates.

“Give me that box.” I demand.

Cecelia starts to power-walk away, which is hard for her because she’s wearing heels. I chase after her, grab the box, and run for it.

The next thing I know, Cecelia and I are wrestling for the box. “Help me.” Cecelia cries out to her sister.

“You did this to yourself.” Ansley snorts.

The box spills out of Cecelia’s hands and falls on the ground.