Page 91 of Man Scape

Danny grimaced.

“Sorry. My point is that I don’t really know him. I can’t go off to Scotland for a guy I’ve known for three days! Say I get there and he doesn’t want me.”

“Heaskedyou to go with him. You’re not stalking him to another country,” Mallory reminded.

“I have a job. A life.”

“Sweetie, a life made up of planned meals, volunteering, and living in your grandmother’s house.”

“Hey!” I said, not liking Mallory’s words. All of it was true, but she made it out to sound like my life was miserable.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad life, but GO TO SCOTLAND WITH A HOT MAN. Have some fun. Not creepy fun, but actual fun.”

“I have newborn puppies to take care of.”

“I’ll take care of them. And Fred,” Danny offered, even though he had no responsibility with them.

I looked to Danny, confused as to why he was going to help me go off to be with this dad.

“He’s not coming back,” I reminded.

Mallory was slowly making me reconsider and the two of them were chiseling away at every excuse I threw their way. I had tons of vacation time available and if Fred was taken care of, then Icouldgo. But–

“I’m not saying move to Scotland or get married, I’m saying take a vacation. Make the fling longer and in another country. See what can happen between you two.”

I looked to Danny. I knew how upset he was with his dad being with me. I wouldn’t get between them, no matter how I felt for Daniel.

“Yeah. I agree,” Danny said. “See what can happen.” Then he tipped his chin down and gave me a serious look. “But if it works out, I am definitely not calling you Mom.”



In the middleof the night, I got a text. Like a loser, I thought it might be Melly, so I snagged it off the bedside table faster than a teenager waiting for his crush to call.

In the dark room, the bright screen blinded me.

I blinked, then saw who it was from.


I shouldn’t be disappointed to get a text from my son, but it only showed how far I sunk. I wanted to hear from Melly. Maybe have her send me a sexy photo, like the shot I took of her on my floor, pussy and tits out and covered in my cum I had pulled up and jerked off to earlier.

So no, not Melly and her upturned ass either.

Danny sent a photo of him sitting on the floor beside Earl, with Fred and three furry little lumps on a very familiar dog bed.

The puppies were born. I couldn’t help but smile. Those puppies were what started the whole thing with Melly. If Earl hadn’t been a literal horndog, I may have never met her.

And I’d be right here in this bed, just as alone as I was now. Except I would have been content in being solo. Excited about this new life I was living.

Another text from Danny came through.

We’re cool.

We’re cool.We’re cool?What did that mean? I sat up in bed and stared at my cell. Did it mean he and Earl were cool because they were dog dads? Did it mean he and Melly were cool being dog parents together? Did it mean he was cool with me about having been with Melly?

I had no idea.