Page 53 of Man Scape

I wasn’t like Dad. I didn’t cheat on my wife, and I didn’t start a second family when I was forty-two.

I pointed toward the front door. “Get the fuck out.”

They stood, their chairs scraping across the wood floor. Saint snagged a pizza box and Deek slapped his hand. “Leave it.”

They marched to the front door like schoolboys off to the principal’s office. I followed and stood in the open doorway as they left, making sure they were good and gone.

Sea Bass turned around. “Tell her we’re sorry. We’re nice dumbasses.”

“Yeah,” Saint said, tucking his hands into his pockets.

“At least tell us who she is,” Deek added, and the other three’s faces lit up. They were sorry, but still as nosy as a bunch of old ladies.

I slammed the door in their faces and ran a hand over the back of my neck. I took a deep breath.

“They gone?” Melly’s soft, cautious voice had me turning around.

She stood at the bottom of the steps in just my flannel. The same one she put on this morning.

I nodded. “Yeah. Sorry. They’re usually not assholes like that, but well, it’s been a while for me.”

“Having a woman here?”

I stepped toward her. “I’ve never brought a woman here.”

Her mouth dropped open. Yeah, that was a shocker. “You haven’t?”

Shaking my head, I explained. “No. I had Danny. No way would I do sleepovers with a woman with a kid in the house. Still now that he’s an adult. Remember those boundaries you like?”

She nodded.

“That was mine.”

“He’s twenty-one and doesn’t live here,” she said, not to remind me of what I already knew, but most likely because she was surprised I admittedit’d been a while.

I nodded again. “Yeah, he’s staying at my mom’s. House sitting while she’s gone for the winter. But I haven’t… in the past few years, well, been with anyone.”


“Yeah. My brothers never expected me to have company in the shower because I’ve never, not once, actually had company in the shower.”

“You’ve never–”

I shook my head. “Not in my house.”

Understanding crossed her delicate features. I wasn’t a virgin. I fucked elsewhere.

Until now.

I reached out, stroked her wet hair back, then leaned down to kiss her forehead. She smelled like my soap and that was sexy as hell. “It wasn’t about you. Obviously, I kicked them out and we’ve got pizza.”

“Can we order the lube online while we eat?”

I grinned at her exuberance and went rock hard at the reason. She was desperate to have her ass taken.

“My bad girl,” I said, completely and totally as praise. Leaning down, I kissed her so she knew I was pleased. “As for my brothers, they won’t bother us any–”

I stopped talking when I noticed her green eyes weren’t on mine any longer, but around my arm and looking behind me. Then she pointed. “Um, those brothers?”