Page 34 of Man Scape

I wasn’t that much of a dick.

When I dropped her off, I could’ve parked, tossed her over my shoulder and carried her into her house. Did every single thing I could think of to satisfy her and initiate her into sex. Hell, we’d still be in her bed.

But no. I’d told her to take some pain pills and I left.

Left. Why?

The obvious. An entire landscaping crew from Pearsons was working on digging up her driveway. I knew every single guy and they were all eyeing me. With Melly. At eight in the morning. Especially Deek, who smirked. No way in hell was I going into her house with her, with all of them watching and then spend the day fucking her brains out.

Sure the jackhammer would mute her screaming my name, but everyone would know.

Hell, Deek would probably come into her house and raid her fridge.

The less obvious reason I didn’t linger was that I was leaving town. Leaving. Melly wasn’t the kind of woman to have a fling with, even if she agreed to it. She wasn’t like the other women I spent time with in the past. They knew the score. Knew it was casual, that it was just for fun.

Melly was smart enough to know the same and agree to it. But I couldn’t take her virginity, no matter how filthy she liked me to talk to her or how well she fucked herself on my fingers in the back storeroom of a bar and leave the country.

That was why I wasn’t sitting at home packing, which was ridiculous. I only had to throw some clothes in a bag. Going to Scotland wasn’t riding a raft up the Amazon. They had clothing stores.

I’d just parked in front of the office when my cell rang.


“Hey, kid. How’s the fire.”

“Almost out. Dad, is everyone okay? I just got a ride into the nearest town to the fire and got your message and I missed a bunch of your calls.”

“Everyone’s fine, but Melly Harwood called the office to get in touch with you.”

“Oh? I think her grandma was going to have us work on some landscape work, but I don’t know anything really about it.”

“It’s not about that. Earl knocked up Fred,” I told him.

He was quiet for a second, then laughed. “No shit. You sure?”

“No shit,” I repeated. “And yes, I’mverysure. Look, you’ve got to take responsibility for this. Pay the vet bills and stuff. I covered the visit yesterday.”


“Seriously. That shit’s expensive.” The one vet visit from the day before hadn’t been cheap. “The vet even said it has to be a c-section.”

“Well, shit. It’s not like I could tell Earl to use a condom.”

“You could’ve had him neutered.”

I heard him hiss and my balls felt a twinge of sympathy. “Yeah, no.”

“Well, then get ready to pay some parenting expenses.”

He sighed. “Fine. I’m racking up the cash here on the fire. I should be home in a few days.”

Wildland firefighting paid quite well, especially since room and board was covered. It supplemented his income with the family business and got him out to see the world and have some adventures. I had to thank my friend Mac, who was the local fire chief, for getting Danny interested.

“Mind telling me how you met Melly?” I prodded. Melly had said she wasn’t interested and that the two dates had been a dead end, but I’d had my fingers in her. I needed to know how he felt.

“She lives down the street from Gram.”

“Yes, I know that.”