Page 44 of Man Scape

“What if I touch you in some other way you don’t like?” I blurted, then bit my lip with worry, not even realizing that was a concern.

His finger stilled, but the contact remained. He glanced at me through long lashes. How did a man get such amazing eyelashes? Totally unfair.

The look he gave me wasn’t cold. In fact, it was very, very hot. Scorching. “Any way you touch me I’ll like, sweet girl. I promise.”

I felt the words, the weight of them. The truth. “Okay.”

“I’ll never forget you mentioned toys.”

Closing my eyes, I wanted to hide. NO MORE WINE!

“For our contract, yes or no to toys?” he asked.

With him? Would he feel threatened by them? “Do you want to play with toys?” I asked in return.

“Do I want to watch you spread your gorgeous thighs and fuck yourself with a huge vibrator? Fuck, yes.”

Okay, totally hot. “Then yes.”


“Do you want–”

“My answer is yes to everything.”

“Then yes.”

“Giving oral?”




“I know you like fingers.”

My pussy clenched remembering how much I really did like his. “Yes.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. Those fingers were on the move, sliding back and forth across my lower stomach. “You’re saying yes to everything.”

“But I want to try everything,” I admitted.

He lifted his hand and moved away, dropping onto the end of the couch near my feet.

I pushed up onto my elbows. What was he–

“Have at me,” he said, using both hands to point at his chest. “Touch me how you want. Kiss. Suck. Lick. Fuck. I’m all yours.”

Those words had me sitting up all the way, my legs tucked underneath me. There had to be four feet of sofa between us. “What? Just go over to you and… kiss you and take your clothes off and then–”

He nodded. “Whatever you want.”

Yikes! “I can’t do that. I don’t know how and I would be lost and–”

“And you’d be worried and thinking too much.”

I sighed. He understood. “Exactly.”