Page 28 of Man Scape

After what she just did, there was no way in hell she was going to remain a virgin for much longer.

She leaned forward and I thought she was going to kiss me. Maybe whisper in my ear how she wanted me to fuck her first. Missionary, maybe with her hands over her head gripping my headboard. Or from behind so I could press my thumb against her snug little asshole because I had a feeling she was going to get off on that.

Instead of doing either, she threw up.



I archedmy back and whimpered. Daniel’s big hands ran up and down my thighs, pushing them wider and wider so he could settle between them. His shoulders, so broad, opened me to him completely. I felt his breath fan me… there. How could just that have me close to coming. And then he kissed higher and higher until he hovered right over me.

Touch me! Lick me! I need to come!

“Please!” I moaned, thrashing and desperate for that first touch. “Daniel.”

It never came because I jolted awake. Stared up at a log-beamed ceiling.

I was panting, the sheets and blankets twisted around me.

This wasn’t my room.

Why was I wearing just my bra and panties?

Was I still dreaming? My pussy ached and throbbed with need for Daniel to lick me and make me come.

I sat up quickly. Too quickly. My head throbbed. I put my hand on my forehead.

“Oh my God,” I muttered, which only made my tongue move, which was furry. My whole mouth felt like it was covered in the mold I found sometimes on old cheese in my fridge.

What happened? Why had I just had a sex dream about Daniel? Did we do something? Was that why I was in his bed? Was this his bed? Why don’t I remember what really happened but am desperately turned on from a dream?

I blinked, then had to do it again because I fell asleep with my contacts in and they were dry as hell.

Was this Daniel’s room? The bed was big. Likebigbig. And comfortable. If there was going to be a snowstorm, this was where I wanted to snuggle in and read through it.

Then I heard it. The shower. It was running which meant someone was in it. Naked. Was it Daniel? I rubbed my thighs together imagining him in there, soap bubbles dripping down every hard, rugged plain of him.

I circled back to my first thought. What the hell happened?

I thought back. Kincaids with Bridget and Mallory. Then the storage room where he said all those sexy things to me and I… and then I– “OH MY GOD!”

This really was Daniel Pearson’s bed and I had a sex dream with him as the star.

Daniel Pearson really was in the shower.

I had to get dressed before he came out. Had he heard me call out his name in my dream?

Hopping down from the bed, my bare feet landed on plush, textured carpet. I swung around in a circle, which wasn’t good for my head, but I had more important problems than it exploding. I didn’t see any of my clothes.

The shower shut off and I panicked.



I cameout of the bathroom, a towel around my waist, expecting Melly to be asleep. When I cut through the bedroom earlier, she hadn’t moved. Still out cold. But she wasn’t in the bed nor in the room.

She had to be somewhere unless she found her clothes in the dryer. Not wanting her to be alone in a strange house, I opened the door to my walk-in closet to get dressed and hunt her down, then froze.