Page 18 of Man Scape

“The dog,” Mallory repeated, just to make sure she had it straight.

I nodded.

She pushed my wine closer and I picked it up and took a big sip. I didn’t remember how many glasses I had. Since her brother owned the bar, she had an in with the waitstaff and must have told them to keep the drinks coming. At least mine.

Usually, I only had one glass because I was a lightweight and I liked to keep my wits about me. The buzz most people loved made me feel out of control. I already felt that way, but now, I was confused on top of it.

“Should I be mad at him or–”

“Noor,” Bridget corrected.“You should be mad. He’s so tall I have to wonder if the air is thinner up there by his brain.”

“I have to tip my head back to meet those dark eyes,” I admitted. “I feel so small beside him.”

Bridget smiled in a sappy way of someone ridiculously in love. “I totally understand that. There’s something… safe.”

Safe. Crazily, I agreed, even though both times Daniel had been confrontational and imposing. Bridget was in a relationship with Maverick James. He was as big as Daniel, and they could be two marauding Vikings if Maverick grew a beard.

Mallory’s gaze shifted over my shoulder and she waved someone over.

I turned to look but got a little dizzy.

“What’s up?” It was her brother, Arlo. He was several years older so I never knew him growing up, but I’d met him the other times we’d been here for ladies’ night. He held a small stack of dirty plates that he must have just collected from a table.

“You know Daniel Pearson?” Mallory asked her brother.

“Which one? Younger or older?”



Mallory pushed for more detail. “Asshole? Idiot? Manwhore?”

His eyes widened, then glanced between the three of us, first on Mallory. “You’re taken.” Then Bridget. “You’re taken.” Then me. “I’m guessing she’s asking for you.”

I could feel the flush creep over my cheeks so I didn’t need to say a word.

He shrugged. “Good guy. Never known him with a lady, but that doesn’t mean anything.” Arlo looked my way. “You like Pearson?”

Mallory pointed at me. “Why else would she be in a funk?”

My mouth dropped open because she blatantly shared my confused feelings. “Mal!”

Arlo eyed me, as if considering something. “I say go for it. He’s a good guy.”

“You sure he’s not an idiot?” Mallory questioned.

Arlo sighed, adjusted the dirty dishes in his hold. “He’s a guy. Aren’t we all idiots?”

He didn’t wait for an answer, just left.

“So maybe he really isn’t an idiot,” she said. “Maybe he’s normal.”

I took another sip of wine. “Is Theo an idiot?”

“He bought me a house,” she countered, tipping her chin down and giving me the look women share that screamedcan you believe it?“Which makes him the biggest of all the idiots. If there was a club, he’d be the president. They must have special hats or something. With fur and horns.” She stuck her hands by her head and poked fingers in the air to replicate the horns.

That had me giggling, thinking of Daniel with a huge Viking-type hat on his head. He’d be eight feet tall.