Chapter Seventeen
“Don’t try to get up,” I tell him, putting my hand gently on his chest and keeping him in a lying position.
He looks at me, then around. He doesn’t recognize the place. Of course, he wouldn’t. I smile reassuringly.
“We had to take you to the healer,” I explain. I’m guessing that all these dried plants and herbs hanging from the walls might make more sense now, in light of that information.
“The healer?” he echoes.
I’m not sure how much he remembers. Hopefully, everything, but the healer has already told us that it’s possible that the poison might have… eaten up his memories, and some might not even return to him. To be quite honest, I wouldn’t mind if Eddie forgot everything that has happened in the last couple of days. We would both be better off forgetting all that. But I doubt we’ll be that lucky.
“You have to drink this,” I offer him a cup. I have to admit, it smells much worse than the tea I made him. “It will help you.”
He props himself up a little, then I bring the cup to his lips. He takes small sips, grimacing at the taste. When he’s done, he lies back down. He looks exhausted. His body has taken quite a toll and I know it will take a long time for the poison to be completely cleared away. We have to be patient and take good care of him. That is what we plan on doing. All of us.
“It tastes like crap,” he tells me.
I chuckle. “I can imagine just from smelling it. But you’ll be drinking it, no ifs, ands, or buts.”
“Yes, darling,” he replies, chuckling as well. He leans upward to me, looking around with distaste. “Say, how long do I have to stay here?”
“You’ve been here two days already,” I tell him, much to his shock. “I should think that’s enough.”
“Two days?” he repeats. “I was out for two days?”
At that moment, the healer appears from behind bead curtains, which make a strange rattling noise. We all look in her direction.
“You were lucky it was only two days,” she tells him, her voice low and almost a whisper, as if she’s talking about something no one else but us should hear. “Some get lost in the memory limbo and never find their way back. In fact, I know someone who is still lost in there.”
“Still lost?” I ask. “But… how?”
She shrugs. “His loved ones take care of his earthly body, but his mind isn’t here. It is… somewhere else. In the memory limbo. And no one can help him return from that place, but himself.”
“You mean, like a coma?” I wonder, shuddering at the thought that this same thing could have happened to Edmund as well.
“Yes, I think that describes it perfectly,” she nods, her face calm just like her voice, but I can hear deep hurt in those words. Whoever she is talking about was someone dear to her. That much is obvious. Then, she quickly changes the topic. “Well, I think two days was enough having you here. Perhaps you’d want to go home.”
Before I can say anything to that, Eddie answers. “You are reading my mind.”
He tries getting up, but he’s still weak.
“Don’t worry, we’ll help you,” Kano says, approaching the bed. “I’ve got my horse here. We’ll take him back to town easily.”
“Just remember,” the healer says. “He’s not out of the woods yet. You have to be by his side the whole time. He needs to rest a lot. No strenuous activity. No exertion. Keep him away from too much excitement as well. Both his body and his mind need to rest, so he can fully heal.”
“I understand,” I nod. “I will take good care of him, I promise.”
I smile at him, taking him by the hand.
“I’m sure you will,” the healer nods, giving us a sympathetic look. “If you need my help, you know where to find me. Oh, and do send my regards to your mother. Tell her she can come and visit me without needing something, you know?” She doesn’t seem to say it with any ill will in mind, so I smile.
“I’ll tell her that.”
Eddie props himself up in bed, inhaling deeply. Kano offers him his hand, for support. Together, they get Eddie out of bed slowly.
“Can you stand?” I ask him.