“Gala caught you when you were alone,” she explains. “She knew exactly what she needed to do to make her wicked plan work.”
“But I can’t believe I forgot who I was,” I repeat, still incredulous that someone’s mind can be erased just like that, so easily. “I am so sorry for everything that I’ve done and caused. Can you ever forgive me?”
I take her into my arms again and pull her close to myself, inhaling her sweet scent. At that moment, an intense pain takes hold of me. It almost breaks me in half. I immediately let go of her and fall down to the ground, twitching uncontrollably.
“It’s the nightshade that Gala has been giving you,” Bianca tells me, lowering herself down to her knees, next to me.
I feel her hands on my body, trying to soothe me, and I’m grateful for her presence. The pain is excruciating, but at least it comes and goes in tidal waves. When the onslaught stops, I can breathe more easily.
“The tea,” I tell her, trying to inhale deeply through the pain. “She’s been giving me tea all this time, and I… I don’t know why I kept drinking it.”
“Because you trusted her,” she says softly, taking my hand into her own. “Don’t beat yourself over it. Now, we must get you back home and I must make you my own tea. The healer I went to see told me that I needed to give it to you several times, before you’ll notice some improvement.”
“Take me home,” I tell her, pressing my free hand to my stomach.
“Come,” she says, getting up. She allows me to lean against her, by putting my arm around her shoulder. “Can you walk?”
“Barely,” I admit, sensing that another onslaught of pain is about to hit me at any moment. “I’ll try to walk through it.”
“You won’t be able to,” she shakes her head at me, sounding increasingly worried. “I’ve seen the pain you’re in. I’m afraid that it might only get worse from here on. That’s why we need to get you back home as soon as possible and pour copious amounts of that tea into your system, to flush out the poison as soon as possible.”
“That is easier said than done,” I tell her, trying to remain in a good mood, even through the pain.
We try walking out of the cave slowly. She is doing her best, but I realize that the more I move, the more painful my entire body feels. I will be able to get to a certain point, but I doubt I’ll be able to walk all the way there. The last thing I want is to be a burden to Bianca and force her to drag me all the way there.
“Wait,” I tell her, bending down and breathing heavily. “I don’t think this will work. You have to go ahead without me.”
“What?” she sounds shocked. “No! I’m not leaving you here! No way!”
I smile at her. I know that the thought must be unimaginable to her. After everything that just happened, asking her to leave me behind is unthinkable. But that’s how this must go. I see no other way. I can barely move my legs. I feel like they’re slowly becoming unresponsive.
“Just hear me out, OK?” I tell her, trying to sound as calm as possible. “I also don’t want you to leave without me. We’ve been apart for long enough. But it’s becoming harder and harder for me to walk.”
“Then, we’ll walk while you’re capable, and when you can’t, then– “
“No,” I cut her off. “I will wait for you here. You run back to town and get Kano. Get everyone you can, then come back for me. I won’t go anywhere.”
She stares into my eyes, and I know exactly what she’s afraid of.
“What if Gala comes back?” she asks. “What if she brings back more skin walkers? You won’t be able to fight them off, not in this condition. I’m telling you, I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave you. We have to stay together.”
In a way, she’s right. If Gala does come back and decides to attack me in this condition, I won’t be a good match for her. I’ll be weakened by the poison that’s coursing through my veins.
“I doubt that will happen,” I tell her. “And besides, we’re wasting time discussing this. Just go. I’ll be fine.”
As soon as I say that, the most painful onslaught takes place, shearing my mind in two. I can barely function through it. I hear Bianca calling out my name. I feel her hand clasping mine, and it’s somewhat of a solace, but there is nothing that can ease the pain that is inside of me, burning like hot coal. I feel like ripping my own insides out. That’s how much pain I’m in.
I lower myself completely to the ground, wrapping myself up into a fetal position. Bianca lies down next to me. My entire body is shivering. Her hands are on me. I hear her voice trying to soothe me.
“It’ll be fine, Eddie,” she murmurs softly. “Just stay with me. Don’t fall asleep.”
She seems to know exactly what is happening to me. Through the pain, my body seems to be giving up. My mind is becoming sleepy and it’s becoming more and more difficult to stay awake.
“Eddie?... Eddie?...”
I hear my name, and then suddenly, everything goes dark. I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but when I manage to open my eyes again, I am resting on the back of a horse, which is moving slowly. I try to lift my head, but everything hurts.
“Relax,” I hear Kano say. “You’re in good hands, Eddie.”