Page 90 of The Otherworld

Infinity between us, forever.

That’s what Adam knew when he left this morning. He agreed to Papa’s wishes. He promised never to communicate with me again.

I know my papa, I said so foolishly. I know he’ll be reasonable.

Adam had only looked at me, tormented sorrow in his beautiful eyes because he already knew: Papa wouldn’t be reasonable.

He already knew that he would never see me again.

As tears slide down my face and drip off my chin, the stars sparkle overhead, undisturbed. It’s the same sky Adam and I gazed up at last night, our hands laced together, tracing the shape of the constellations.

He was my strangest and most beautiful treasure from the Otherworld.

But now, he’s gone.

And I am left with nothing but the memory of him.

And the ache in my heart.

And his journal, full of wondrous ideas.

And the pinpricks of light on the horizon.

Part Two

Worlds Apart

JUNE 22, 1997


A Protected Prisoner



That’s the first thing I see when I open my eyes—rays of light pouring through the window and landing on Adam’s bed.

On Adam.

For a second, I think it’s only a dream. But then I realize I’m awake and it is Adam lying there, breathing deeply, the morning light glowing on his bedhead.

He’s back.


I get up and pull a T-shirt over my head, following the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Mom is humming at the counter, mixing a bowl of something. I don’t know what it is, but I stick my finger in it as I walk by.


“Good morning.” I lick the batter off my finger and narrowly escape a slap. “Adam’s in a friggin’ coma.”

“You let your brother sleep,” Mom says, giving me a warning look over her shoulder. “He’s been through a lot and needs his rest.”

I pour myself a coffee and lean against the counter, watching Mom heat a cast-iron skillet on the stove. Adam must have heard me get up because a few minutes later, I hear the shower running in the bathroom down the hall. Having him back makes home feel like home again.

“Did Adam say anything to you about Orca’s father?”