He hummed a response before pressing a kiss to my lips. “If it wasn’t me, it would have been Rai.” He pulled back and winked, lifting his eyes to the other man in question.
Rai’s fingers curled over my lower stomach. “Next time make it me,” he commanded.
Warmth flooded my chest, erasing the slight shame I felt for taking advantage of their sleeping bodies. Consent was a thing, and I completely ignored it because I woke up horny. I was glad neither of them was upset, not that I could imagine them being mad about it.
“Wake up horny all the time, love,” Bellamy said, reading my mind.
“Only if we can do that again.” I glanced between them, just remembering the feeling of them both filling me up was enough to make me ready all over again.
“What do you think, Rai?” Bellamy lifted his head to look at him.
“It was an experience that was enjoyable for all of us. I think I could talk my dragon into sharing again. Once in a while.” He grinned.
A laugh burst from my throat as happiness spread through my chest. I was sure his dragon would insist on erasing any idea of others having me in that way too. The beast was possessive, that was for sure. But in the best possible ways. I looked forward to our one on one time where the dragon convinced itself that I was only his and urged Rai to fuck me silly.
“Could you three be louder?” Alastor grumbled.
“We could try,” I said with a grin as I lifted my head to look over at him.
“Jealous?” Bellamy asked.
“I’m sure we both are,” Lex replied for him. “If that is how you are going to wake up, we need to switch off who sleeps next to you.”
“I could make a schedule,” Alastor added. “To make it fair.”
Bellamy smirked, his palm curling over the rise of my breast, his thumb absently stroking over my nipple through the material eliciting a low moan from me. “If you think just because I’m not sleeping next to our girl that I won’t join in, you are sadly mistaken.”
“If you keep touching me like that I’m going to need another release,” I admitted, glancing down at his hand.
“I volunteer as tribute,” Lex murmured as he scooted up on the bed so I could see the top half of his body just past Bellamy. His sculpted chest with his shadow tattoos curled around his upper arm, shoulder, and pecs; each of them appearing to be asleep.
“If I get her there, I’m finishing the job,” Bellamy replied without looking back at him, his gaze hungry again as he watched me.
With a dramatic sigh, I extracted myself from between my demon and dragon. “I need a shower, if you want to join me to give me some company I won’t be opposed.”
Lex and Alastor scrambled from the bed to follow me, and I couldn’t help smiling. The water would run cold before we were done.
If only we could stay like we were in this moment forever. If only there wasn’t the threat of war on the horizon. The laughter and joy on everyone's faces as we joked and teased each other was everything to me.
For this small piece of time, we were outside of it. We weren’t thinking of our next move, or planning anything other than what to put on our pancakes. My father would say we were gambling with time by putting off the inevitable. I felt that we were embracing what we had because once we came out on the other side of this battle we didn’t want a part of, we might not be the same.
Bellamy flipped another fluffy pancake, like he was born to be a chef. He had started breakfast before we had finished ‘cleaning up’. And I let him continue cooking. Who knew the demon would love to provide for the people he cared for?
Samantha sat on the high stool across from him at the small island, her chin propped up with her palm as she watched him work. Rai was next to her while Lex leaned against the counter behind Bellamy, observing the process, hopefully learning something.
I poured a glass of OJ for myself before offering to get some for everyone else. Sam wrinkled her nose, her hand landing on her stomach.
“I don’t think the baby likes orange juice,” she said. “Just the idea of it is making me feel green.”
“More for me,” Bellamy said, snagging her glass and downing it.
“You do know we have another bottle,” I replied, rolling my eyes at his actions.
He shrugged, sending me a grin. “Gotta protect our girl.”