“The gem was shattered, there is no prophecy now!” All of the anger and locked up emotion exploded like a fucking bomb. I could have lost them all. Sam, Bellamy, Alastor, every single one of them. Hell, even Raiden had grown on me, and he was still lost.
“Brother, do not speak to our mom like that,” Sleep chastised. “The gem wasn’t the prophecy, you silly boy. It was an obstacle on your journey. A hero’s odyssey is not an easy path.”
I rolled my lips between my teeth, holding back the words I wanted to shout. “Where is your son?” I asked with deadly calm.
“Morpheus?” she asked, knowing exactly who I was talking about although he was not her only one.
I huffed, a smile threatening to spread. So our mother wouldn’t interfere, but my dear sister would send her child. “How did you know which son?”
Her tranquil dark eyes latched on to mine, the tiniest of smiles played at the corners of her mouth. “Good guess? He is at his palace in the Dreaming like always.” She let out a long unbothered sigh and lifted her steaming cup to her lips and blew.
“Won’t you stay for tea?” Nyx asked when I turned away from them both. I could hear the hope in her voice. But I didn’t have the mental capabilities to make her happy at this moment.
“I have a world to save, Mother.”
Without casting a backward glance, I sauntered out of the room, my attention fixed firmly ahead on the plan that was forming. If I could get Morpheus to tell me what he was hinting at, we might have a chance.
The Dreaming wasn’t far from here, its high walls kept everyone out of the dreamscape where anything was possible. I think I would prefer to live our lives in the Dreaming, free of responsibilities and with the ability to only think something to make it true. My nephew was lucky.
I approached the large metal doors. A large phoenix perched at the top, its intelligent eyes focused on me. Lifting my hand to knock, the loud tap of my knuckles sounded like a bell. The phoenix let out a abrupt squawk, ruffled its feathers, and flew off in the opposite direction. Interesting doorbell.
It didn’t take long before the heavy metal door creaked open with a crack big enough for me to enter. The ground was green with lush grass on the other side, entering on a field of wild flowers. Rolling hills led the way to the spiraling castle past the glistening river. It looked like a long walk, but dreams were different, and this was The Dreaming. So I stepped forward, imagining I could fly, and it only took three steps before I was airborne. I flew low to the ground, brushing the tips of the flowers in my path. The water sprayed a light mist over me as I glided over the surface. Soon I was in front of the castle, and I settled on my feet with ease.
Morpheus stood at the top of the staircase, his hands clasped behind his back, watching me, much in the same way the phoenix had.
“Uncle,” he murmured in his melodic voice. It was strange to hear him addressing me as such when he was as old as the beginning of time. I could be his great-great-great-great-great-great something, I was sure.
“What brings you to my kingdom?”
He splayed his hands wide, palms up, as he cast his gaze around the space. You could tell he was a descendent of Nyx because he shared her dark looks, and the shadows ever so slightly clung to him. Not that normal people could pick that up, not with his all black clothing and long leather jacket. His blue eyes sparkled as he brought them back to me.
“You visited a friend in a dream,” I replied.
“Ah, the dragon. He gained my attention by having a dream of a possible future. A very sad possibility, that could be my death, as well as all the dreamers.”
“You told him if he didn’t get his memories back, it would happen. But how does he get them back?”
“I told him the key was closer than he thought. However, now the key has left him to search for answers that will do no good.”
“Samantha?” I breathed her name.
He pressed his lips together, not confirming or denying my question. But the slight flash in the depths of his eyes told me it was true.
“He is a dragon that has lost his most prized treasure, along with his memories. If he has that treasure returned, fully, do you think his memories will return?” Morpheus asked.
Of course she would be the key. She has been the one to help all of us find ourselves.
“I think the path is clear…he is a dragon with a possessive streak is he not?”
The lightbulb lit up, that was it. If his dragon overrode his normal, reserved thoughts and forced him to claim what was his, he would be his grumpy self soon enough. I might be able to manage to flare some jealousy to life inside him.
“Thank you,” I said.
“For what? I did not help you or interfere in the lives of others. Every creature has freewill.”