Hope grew by leaps and bounds. We would be whole soon. All of us, together the way it is meant to be. The way the prophecy wrote it.
“Gods, I missed you.” I peppered his face with kisses. Then I nuzzled his cheek, his beard tickling mine in the oh so familiar way.
He chuckled. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Thank fuck,” Bellamy said, drawing our attention to him still propped on the bed. Alastor was sitting up next to him; he must have woken while we were in our memories.
“I have to do Raiden now,” I said. I clenched the charm in my hand, it was leaving an indent in my flesh I gripped it so tightly.
“Okay, but come up here with us. I would hate for you to topple from the chair and hurt yourself,” Bellamy said. I met his knowing gaze and gave a slight shake of my head. He couldn’t tell anyone. What if it wasn’t true?
“We will keep you safe,” Alastor agreed, his accent making me melt.
I thread my fingers with Lex’s as I climbed off of his lap and tugged him behind me back to the bed. I settled between Alastor and Bellamy as Lex sat opposite me.
Lex’s gaze raked over Alastor, and there was none of the derision that had been there before his memories came back. He went up on his knees and leaned toward him. His fingers grabbed his chin, and he leaned forward.
“This mattered, you saved us with your heroics.” Then he kissed him hard and fast. I shared a smile with Bellamy as they broke apart. “I’m sorry for calling you a coward.”
Alastor blinked rapidly and nodded his head. “My life wouldn’t have been the same without you in it.”
“Enough of the sappy shit, let’s focus on getting Raiden’s memories back,” Bellamy complained. Although, we could see through the automatic shield he wore.
We settled together on the bed as I gripped the charm. I closed my eyes, reaching for wherever Raiden was, but nothing happened. There was no pull, no heating of the magic in my palm. After a few seconds, my eyes popped back open.
“It’s not working.” I shook it as if that would restart the magic.
“There isn’t much magic coming off of it now. Maybe it has to build back up.”
Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes for a completely different reason then. What if it never built back up? What if there was a baby inside of me and he never remembered?
The baby would grow up without their father. Sure, the other three would be there, so they wouldn’t lack love and affection. Still, it made my heart ache. Rai had always wanted to be a dad, he’d talked about getting married and settling down. He had told us once he wanted a whole house full to make up for the family he lost. At the time I figured it wouldn’t be with me, but now—I could give that to him.
“Can Alastor charge it?” Lex glanced at the God in question.
With a shrug, he held out his hand, palm open, before his fingers curled around the charm I placed there. My eyes glued to his fist, light illuminated from his fingers, and my heart gave a hopeful jump. When he held it out for me, I attempted to make it work again.
A low buzzing filled my ears, and I lost hold of the necklace with a gasp. It was charged, but there was something wrong.
“It isn’t working,” I told them. “Like something is blocking it.”
“We will get his memories back, even if we have to find another way,” Bellamy whispered against the shell of my ear. “That dragon won’t be able to resist claiming you over and over again, with or without his memories.”
A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine as he distracted me with his fingers ghosting over my arm. He pressed a kiss below my ear, making a path down my neck to my collarbone. The soft touch of his lips and hands combined made me ache inside.
Was it wrong to want the three of them while Raiden was somewhere in the castle still without his memories? It felt selfish, and maybe it was a little bit. But it was also a comfort and reassurance for all of us, that we still had each other. We would find a way for all of us to remember.
For now, I would give into this fire burning between us. This growing need to be filled by each of them. It helped that two of them were still naked. Although, Bellamy did have his magical powers. At my thought, Lex and I were naked right along with them.
As if Alastor and Bellamy were communicating mentally, each one of them spread my thighs with a hand wrapped around each leg, baring me completely for each of their eyes.
“Lex, our girl is lacking attention,” Bellamy said.
My stomach jumped as Lex took the cue to crawl up the bed to me. His lips painted a trail up my leg, as he pressed wet kisses straight up to my core. He french kissed my lips, drawing my clit between his teeth.
Alastor’s fingers tightened on my leg, giving the Demi-god better access. I reached for his hard length beneath the sheet and gripped him as tight as he held me, dragging my hand up and over the swollen head, then back down. His needy moan was an aphrodisiac, and I searched out Bellamy’s hard cock just as Lex slipped a finger between my folds, making me attempt to arch into his touch.
Fuck me.