"What are you doing here?" the demon hunter hissed, and it disorientated me.
What was I doing here? I shook my head as I met her fierce glare. It was familiar, and my body did not react the way I expected. What was she doing here? Why would she be in Alastor's rooms? Did she know what happened to our memories?
When I didn't respond, she pressed the dagger harder into my skin. "You should answer me."
"I came to see Alastor," I admitted. "What are you doing here? The mage is looking everywhere for you."
"The mage." Her lip curled in disgust. "He altered my memories."
If he was here right now, I imagined he would face the pointy end of her knife instead of me. "That is why I came to see Alastor."
She dropped her hand but didn't step back, which really just had her pinning me to the mirror with her body instead. We were barely separated, and each breath we took was felt by the other. My scent filled the space involuntarily as my cock twitched in my pants. Then she was kissing me, her weapon clanging to the ground before her hands threaded into my hair at the base of my neck.
And I was weak, because I gave in, kissing her back. Flashes of what felt like memories shot through me, of her in my arms, of being inside her memories and knowing her as well as I knew myself. I groaned and deepened our kiss, letting the barrier I always held in place drop between us. Brushing against her mind with mine, she gasped, and I caught the sound with my lips. Then I trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw to her throat. She arched her neck for me, and I nuzzled against her familiar scent.
Mine, everything in me whispered. And it felt like she had heard me because she pressed fully against me with a whimper.
The urge to sink my teeth into her skin rode me hard, but I resisted. However, I wasn't strong enough not to touch her. My hands ghosted over her curves before settling on her ass and pulling her closer. My head swam at the sensations.
Vaguely, the sound of the door opening snagged my attention, but not enough for me to stop this madness. It was Cer's nose on my hand that snapped me back into myself. I lifted my head to see Alastor leaning against the closed door behind him, his arms crossed, watching us. A slight smile tugged at his lips, and he pushed off of the door as soon as he had my attention. Spirits flowed around him, and I watched him warily. He hadn't had the ability to control spirits the last time I saw him.
"Bellamy," he greeted. "I see you two can't resist each other even without your memories intact."
"What do you know about it?"
Sam stepped back, putting much-needed distance between us as she dropped to the bed. Although, joining her there sounded like a great option. Alastor crossed the room and knelt in front of her, taking her wrist in his hand. She was hurt. Who hurt her?
"The mage, he changed what you remember and what you don't. But it seems it didn't erase me completely. What do you remember of me?"
"You're a prick. But I need help and you have answers."
He nodded absently and spread a slave onto her wound. "I see."
"Who hurt her?"
"She did it herself, trying to get free. Our girl is determined and strong-willed. So it shouldn't be a surprise that she would practically gnaw off her own hand to be free."
"I didn't try to do that," she replied.
He chuckled. "But you would have, eventually."
She shrugged like he was right.
Familiar. Everything felt familiar or as if I was finally losing my mind.
"Do you know how to fix what is wrong with me?" I asked.
He shook his head and glanced over at me. "Not yet."
"I think I have some fragments of memories. I can remember five of us in the club, and my brother was there. And I feel connected to you and her and even that Demi-god and the dragon. Did I?”
"Claim us?" His tongue swiped over his lower lip, wetting it, and I tracked the movement. "Yes. It is a pity you don't remember forcing yourself on me."
His smile made me question if he was joking or not. I had wanted him when I was younger. I remembered that. "I don't force myself on anyone. I have no need."
"No, you're right, it was more of a cat-and-mouse game we played."
"Wait," Samantha said, interrupting our back and forth. "You need to back up a few steps. Our girl? And claimed us? What were we to each other?"