Page 88 of Gambling with Time

Raiden huffed out a laugh. “I’m plenty nice, and so is Bell, for a demon.” He winked at me, and I grinned, my fangs fully visible with my wide smile.

“Samantha could tell you how nice I am,” I suggested.

Ty slapped his hands over his ears and shook his head. “No thanks.” He shuddered dramatically, which earned him a smack on the shoulder from his sister as she passed him to come over to us.

“Bell can be very nice,” she agreed as she pressed her soft lips to mine.

Immediately, my scent started to leak out. Maybe someday I would get that under control, but it didn’t seem like it would be soon. I was like a teenage boy that couldn’t get enough sex. A smile tugged at her lips as she pulled away, and her thoughts didn’t help matters when I picked up the stray idea of climbing into my lap and taking things a bit too far.

But then she turned to Rai and gave him a kiss too. He tugged her between his legs and wrapped his arm around her middle. Her belly was showing more and more each day, and one of my favorite things, besides sex, was feeling the little life inside of her kick. Sometimes, at night, I would lay awake with my palm on her stomach waiting for them to come.

We would be parents soon, and that in itself felt scarier than all the battles we faced. A chance to fuck up a new life while trying to do the best for them. Yeah, that was terrifying, but also exciting—not the possibility of fucking things up, but of doing it right.



Raiden and I entered Lex’s apartment to the welcomed scent of sex on the air. The guys all looked well fucked as Raiden pulled me into his lap in the arm chair.

“Looks like you boys had a little fun,” I said.

Bellamy grinned like a cat that caught the canary. “I still have more fun in me.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and I laughed, my hand settling over my stomach.

“I thought this vacation was about relaxing,” Raiden replied.

“Sex is relaxing, and if it isn’t, you aren’t doing it right. Do you need pointers?” Bellamy said.

Knowing exactly where this conversation was going, I popped off of Raiden’s lap and headed for the small open kitchen. They playfully poked at each other as I made a sandwich. Lex followed me, leaning against the island.

“You look happy,” I said.

“Thanks to you.” He trailed a hand down my side, sending pleasant tingles through me.

A smile pulled at my lips. “What do you mean?” I’d been gone while they all had their orgy.

“Without you coming into my club three years ago and ordering me to fuck you, I would have never found the place I belong.”

A full blown grin spread across my lips at the memory. That was probably the start of the best decision I had ever made in my life, or maybe the start was returning for seconds and thirds. Before eventually making him my sole one night stand that just happened over and over again.

“You were an amazing fuck,” I said with a laugh.


I smoothed his beard down over his cheek. “You still are.”

“Am I your favorite right now?” he asked.

Moistening my lips, I glanced over at the other three. “I think I lost count of who gave me my last orgasm.”

“It’s okay, I can be your favorite later,” he said.

Happiness. A familiar feeling now inhabited my very soul. I hadn’t known what I was missing, but now I could never live without it.

“Rubbing my feet might get you that status now,” I replied. Why did no one ever mention how much your feet ached when you were in your third trimester?

He lifted my plate with the sandwich on it and headed back to the living area. He stopped in front of the empty armchair and looked back at me. “Don’t make me wait, I want to be the favorite.”

The other three perked up at that sentence, and I laughed as I crossed the space and sank into the chair. He knelt at my feet and pulled them into his lap. Then slowly he removed my shoes and started rubbing them with his magical fingers.