Blinding light flashed and Alastor released her with the spirits and his hand. She crumpled to the ground, and Osiris flew across the room to her side, gathering her in his arms.
“When I find a way around this blood bond, you all will only be memories as I claim Tartus as my own,” he promised.
“It is interesting that you say that, because we were only going to leave you be now…but maybe we will stay and watch the reunion between you and your brother,” Lex said. As he stepped to the side, Seth strolled into the room as if it had been the plan all along.
“Or the fireworks when Isis finds out that you were in the arms of a mortal woman not to long ago,” Bellamy added with a grin. I was pretty sure he was bluffing, but with the way Isis pulled out of Osiris’s arms, I could tell he just opened a can of worms.
“Brother, sister, I hope you’ve been well,” Seth murmured, before a wicked grin flashed over his face, and he unsheathed the sword that hung from his back. “It will make this all the sweeter.”
We slipped out while they were mid-battle; their feud didn’t matter to us. A heavy weight lifted from my shoulders as we walked down the hallway, Lex checking each room for a mirror. At the end, he opened the door into a bedroom, and we slipped inside.
I glanced over at Bellamy, and he was holding his side, looking as if he would be sick.
“Can you still open the portal?” I asked.
He gave a halfhearted shrug. “We are going to find out, love.”
My blood roared in my ears as he stepped up to the mirror. He waved his hand over the surface, and Lex’s VIP room at the club shimmered on the other side. Lex stepped through first, followed by Alastor and Cerberus, when I hesitated, Raiden nudged me forward.
“I’m not going through until you are on the other side,” he grumbled.
I bit down on my lip as I looked between them. “Only if you two come together.”
They shared a look, and Rai nodded. “I won’t leave Bellamy behind, he’s grown on me.”
Bellamy grinned at the words, and I gave in. Stepping through the surface and back to the mortal world, I turned to watch the mirror as they tumbled through.
As soon as the portal closed, Bellamy crumbled to the ground. “Lex, do you have that drug we gave Samantha? Do you think it will work?” Alastor asked.
I knelt next to my demon, my hand pressed to his rapidly moving chest. Labored breathing filled the space, and I knew he had been acting strong to make sure we got home. But opening the portal and holding it for all of us took its toll on his already weakened body.
“Yeah, it’s worth a shot,” Lex replied, disappearing from the room and into the loud club beyond the door.
As we waited, I murmured nonsense words of comfort that I wasn’t even sure he could hear. Raiden slipped on a pair of sweats we had left in this room for him and went to his knees beside me.
“He will be okay. He’s been in this situation before, but he’s stronger now.”
Alastor nodded his agreement at Raiden’s words. “And he has all of us.”
All of my focus was on Bellamy as I willed him to magically get better. If I had magical powers, this would be something I’d use them on. But I could only fight and kill demons, not heal them.
“What if the medicine Lex is getting doesn’t work? What about Ty?” I gasped. He had magic now.
Raiden leaned back, his brow furrowed. “He hasn’t healed anyone with the sunlight he has. It could do more damage.”
That was true. We didn’t know what powers the muse actually gave him. “Bell is a demon, you don’t want to use sunlight on him,” Alastor replied.
I sucked in a noisy breath and tugged my fingers through my hair. Fuck. This helpless feeling was horrible. “Your mom? She healed me.” I looked up at Alastor.
“You healed Sammy before,” Raiden said, sitting back on his heels.
“It doesn’t work on poison,” he sighed.
“Was that before your full abilities manifested?” he countered.