Page 29 of Gambling with Time

“Then we will have to find it.” Determination not to give up filtered through the hopelessness of a moment before.

“With all of us searching, it will be quick work,” Alastor added.

Bellamy took up residency in the armchair as he watched us all silently. “What if we found a lamp?”

A smile tugged at my lips as Alastor and Lex chuckled at his suggestion, remembering his search for the elusive genie in the lamp last time we were here.

“It is better than any other idea we’ve had,” he sulked.

Raiden straightened next to me. “There was a lamp here when I was a kid. A djinn was trapped inside.”

Bellamy’s face brightened. “I knew your treasure room would have a genie with three wishes. We could use one of the wishes to end the war.”

“That isn’t how djinn’s work,” Rai replied. “They are dangerous.”

“They are just demons from another pantheon.” Alastor pushed away from the bedpost. “How dangerous could they be?”

“Hey, demon here, and we can be very, very dangerous.” Bellamy’s tail flicked in annoyance.

“They don’t grant wishes. My parents used to tell me stories. If a djinn is in a lamp, it means they have strayed to the path of evil and must live in isolation until they have repented. Only then can they exit the lamp and seek absolution. Which is given by helping the person that frees them. They don’t have magical powers in the sense of changing the future.”

“Well I feel lied to,” Bellamy replied. “The movie got it all wrong.”

With a laugh, I crossed the space between us, and he pulled me down into his lap, his arms wrapping around me.

“I need comfort, love.” His breath ghosted over my ear, and I shivered. He pressed a kiss to my temple. “So, basically the timing has to be right, and they are just like a little helper?”

“Pretty much.” Rai shrugged.

“It still might be worth it,” Alastor replied.

The warmth of Bellamy’s hand sank into my stomach as he flattened his palm over it. “I need some alone time with you,” he whispered.

I stiffened, and he ran his other hand in soothing circles on my shoulder.

“Yeah, we should look for it. But we should split up. How about Rai and Alastor search the treasure room. Bellamy, Ty and I can go back home and possibly find something with the help of my mom. And Lex can go see Morpheus.”

“I hate to leave you so soon after—” Lex said.

“I know, but it won’t be for long. Bellamy and Ty will be with me, so I’ll be safe.”

Leaving Bellamy’s lips with a tender kiss, I gently untangled myself from his embrace and sought out Lex. As I reached him, my arms instinctively encircled his waist, drawing him close. I nestled myself against him, seeking solace in the closeness we shared.

It was a bittersweet hug, tinged with a yearning for the reunion of our entire group. Even though we hadn’t separated yet. Still, in that moment, holding Lex so tightly, a spark of assurance ignited inside me, kindling to life the belief that we would be reunited soon, all of us together and whole. Or maybe it was a misguided hope. I wasn’t sure, but I would hold onto it with both hands.



My tail tapped off of the chair as I waited for everyone to get done with the goodbyes. While all of my focus was on Samantha and the thoughts I kept picking up from her head.

I studied her profile, lingering on her stomach. Did she know how much she unconsciously touched her stomach? Or the fact Cerberus had practically shouted to the room that he could sense a new life.

This plan wouldn’t be happening if any of the guys had even the thought. They wouldn’t let her out of their sight.

For now, I’d wait it out. Knowledge is power, and it was a hard habit to shake.

Climbing to my feet as the others exited the room, Samantha faced me with a hesitant look on her face. It was an unsure gaze that I hated. There was too much of a resemblance to when she had first captivated my attention.