But if I went to him, he would ask why I needed in his treasure room. That would be an awkward conversation. ‘Your dragon guard told me I could use a necklace to get inside your head.’ Right. Regular Rai wouldn’t like that, he would let me, because he was my Rai. But mind-altered Raiden might bar my way.
My gaze was fixated on the panel, the very same he effortlessly operated every time to grant us access. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a way to bypass it. With a curious determination, I examined the sleek surface from every angle, attempting to find the hidden mechanism that held it securely on the wall. Yet, no matter how diligently I searched, it seemed to defy normal logic and reason. Which would make sense being in a dragon palace. I reluctantly accepted that there was an element of magic at play, making it beyond my comprehension. Now, if it was brute force, I would manage just fine.
Summoning a surge of audacity, I disregarded all caution and placed my palm flat against the smooth pad, mimicking Rai’s previous action. Instantly, a jolt of electricity coursed up my arm, causing the tiniest hairs to stand on end and a wave of goosebumps to ripple across my skin. And then, with an audible click, something within the door was released, causing it to creak open ever so slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse beyond its threshold.
My heart leapt into my throat as I gently pushed it open. The protection spell let me in. Rapid breaths filled the space as the implications of that hit me with the force of a typhoon. The magic accepted me as royal blood. But I wasn’t. I’d tried to open the door the last time we were here, and it hadn’t budged. I flattened my hand over my stomach, peering down at the flat expanse.
My legs felt weak, and I sank onto a treasure chest. I couldn’t be… pregnant.
Could I?
I mean, of course I could, my birth control lapsed, and I hadn’t thought of protection. But I had also been under the impression I couldn’t have babies with supernaturals. Which was probably pretty silly considering Lex existed as proof that it happened.
My mouth dried up, and I swallowed as adrenaline spiked through me. What was I going to do?
All of my focus needed to be on getting my men to remember. A baby wasn’t in the plan for saving the world. And if any of the guys found out, they would wrap me in a blanket, layered with bubble wrap, and lock me back in Alastor’s tower.
My decision made, I straightened my shoulders and stood back up. On wooden legs, I moved to the treasure chest I knew had the necklace I was looking for. Finding it, my fingers gripped it like it was a lifeline. All the while my head screamed at me that my entire life had changed in the space of a second.
With each step, panic crept in and tried to take hold. But I pushed it away and ignored it; my hand returned to my stomach over and over again on my journey back to our rooms. It was in my head. Convincing myself of the lie was easy enough, and by the time I stepped foot into our bedroom, I believed it.
My legs were tangled with Bellamy’s and Sam was cuddled to my side, Alastor on her other side. I stared at the canopy over the four-poster bed, light shining off of it, telling me we’d slept all night.
I felt different in the daylight. My memories didn’t feel too far away now, it was almost like they were right on the other side of whatever wall was built to keep them from me.
With a small movement, I shifted my legs, untangling them from Bellamy. My attempt at climbing from our pile of bodies without disturbing any of them didn’t work as both Sam and Bellamy blinked up at me as I sat up.
“Sorry,” I whispered.
Then I scooted down the center of the bed to slip off the end. Padding over to the bathroom, I eliminated the tiny issue of a full bladder. After I was finished, I returned to our room, finding Bellamy and Sam whispering to each other.
It was obvious he remembered her, in the same way Alastor remembered us all. I was slightly jealous of their connection, although, I couldn’t place why I would be. Being left out had never been high on my list of things that bothered me, but I felt left out of what they had. The soft and gentle connection.
When Sam caught sight of me, her face lit up, and she gestured for me to join them. My heart skipped a beat, and my breath caught. I wanted her to love me. In the same way, she cared for the other two. Or maybe what I wanted was to remember how I felt about her. Why I’d been so drawn to her all along.
“Lex, I found something I think will help get your memories back. Would you be willing to try it?” Sam asked. She was still quiet, but she couldn’t keep the excitement out of her voice.
I eyed the chain she had dangling between her fingers with the charm hanging from the end. Magic coated the jewelry as if it was made from it. The power pulsed off of it from here.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Baldwin said that it helps minds connect and that it might work in restoring yours and Rai’s memories.” She crawled down the bed to the end, closest to me. “Can we try?”
There was only one answer I could give her pleading look. “Yes.” The word leaked out of me in a thin breath. I wanted to shout, ‘Anything, I will do anything to remember you.’ But those words were stuck inside of me.
When she reached for me, I didn’t hesitate to close the distance. Her fingers wrapped around mine, and she pulled me into a tight hug. The fact that we were both naked was not lost on my body, and she smiled as she pulled away.
“The next time you are inside of me, Lex, I want you to remember all the times before.” She pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Maybe we should find clothes so we can concentrate better.”
“I don’t know, I like the view,” Bellamy replied. He was leaning against the headboard, the blanket gathered at his hips, and the muscles of his chest were accented with the way his arms were propped behind his head. He was someone to me too. And he confirmed my thoughts with his next words. “My two favorite people, naked together, I could only ask for one other thing.”
Sam grinned at him. “Of course, you would say that, you’re an incubus. I’m sure all the sexual energy in the room is feeding you for a month.”