Page 14 of Gambling with Time

When I moved to see his face again, he looked ashamed. His gaze flicked to Lex, who was watching our interaction curiously, and then back to me.

“Alastor, you are the hero in this story. Without you, we would all be trapped. And I know we can get our memories back because I have all of mine. What you did wasn’t cowardice, it was the opposite, it was smart and brave. I love you more because of it.”

As the tears flowed down my cheeks, I just accepted they were going to happen a lot until everyone had their memories.

His thumb caught a drop and swiped it away. “I have to confess I almost gave you a pomegranate.”

A surprised laugh burst from my throat. “Well, I’ve always known you are more like your father than you want to admit. But you don’t have to feed me a fruit to keep me with you. I have no plans to be anywhere but where the four of you are.”

Lex shifted on his feet but said nothing. I finally detangled myself from Alastor and faced my Demi-god. He pushed his hands into his pockets, almost as if he felt he didn’t belong in my idea of happiness. But I would help him remember it was exactly where he wanted to be.

“Come on, Lex, let’s get your memories back.” I linked my arm through his and pivoted us back into the palace. My brother lounged at the head of the table, his gaze snagging on us as we entered. While Raiden and Bellamy sat across from the sentinel.

“You came back,” Ty said, as if he thought I would run out into the mountains and never return.

“You didn’t come after me.”

“Lex had it handled.” He shrugged.

I smiled. “He did.” I squeezed his arm and pulled him further into the room.

Bellamy leaned back in his chair, his gaze locked on us. He could probably sense the arousal in the air. His hot cocoa scent crept over the room, and the older dragon choked as my brother scowled and pushed away from the table.

When Tyler fled the room as if hellhounds were on his heels, the sentinel gave us a nod and also followed, I knew both of them could sense the lust in the air. Not that Bellamy’s scent pulled me in that way, not in the gentle way it was teasing my senses.

“Come here,” he beckoned. My stomach flipped with excitement at his tone. I wet my lips, and he tracked the movement. I wondered if he would demand consent without his memories or if he would just take what he wanted.

My whole body felt like it was vibrating with excitement as I crossed the room, following his order. When I reached him, he tugged me between him and the table, urging me to sit on the edge. His hands ghosted up my leather-clad legs, his thumbs massaging near the apex of my thighs.

“Did the Demi-god leave you unsatisfied, hunter?” He tossed a look at Lex, holding all of the taunting Bellamy was so good at in the depths of his gaze.

“I wasn’t going to fuck her out in the open,” Lex scoffed.

“I have memories of doing just that on the balcony. She enjoyed being out in the open, didn’t you, love?”

A moan filled the air, dragged from me as he added pressure to his touch.

“You are going to–” Rai started, and Bellamy cut him off with a snort.

“Yes,” he breathed as his fingers found the bottom of my shirt, and he skated his hands over my skin, pushing it up. “Yes, I am.”

He paused when he reached my bra, his red irises meeting mine. I could feel him brush against my mind, seeking my thoughts. I didn’t disappoint as I let him see all of his forgotten memories with me. He inhaled sharply, his nostrils expanding, as hot desire flared in his eyes. His tail wrapped around my ankle as he moved to the edge of his seat to be closer to me.

“You want all of us?” he asked, already knowing the answer. A flood of moisture gathered between my legs at the words being said out loud. I wanted all of them multiple times and in every way possible.

I nodded.

“Consent, love.” He dropped a kiss on my stomach. “You need to say it.”

“All of you, please.”

His mouth kicked up to the side in a half smile. “Every step of the way, my little demon hunter.”

My tongue snuck out to moisten my lower lip before I dragged it into my mouth and sunk my teeth into it. His breath glided over my skin, sending goosebumps chasing each other across my heated flesh.

“Tell me what’s okay,” he whispered, lifting only his eyes to me. I was his prisoner at that moment; he would have me begging and consenting for anything he wanted, and I was so okay with that.

“Everything,” I practically moaned at just the thought.