“Lopez has a girlfriend!” Logan hooted, making me laugh.
“Would you guys shut the fuck up? I don’t,” Zavier snapped, glancing at me with annoyance. “You prowling for pussy?”
“Uh, no,” I chuckled, noticing how tense he was. “What’s up with you, man?” I stumbled as he threw a punch at me, making me curse as I touched my burning lip. “What the fuck, Lopez?” He didn’t answer me before stalking off across the field, leaving me staring after him.
“Damn, Cruz. What did you do to him?” Riley smirked, but Logan cringed.
“Sorry, bro. I have a feeling that was meant for me. He’s hardly been home these past couple days, so I don’t know what’s going on with him.”
Zavier was usually carefree and a bit of a joker, but he was also a murderous weapon when he wanted to be. I had no idea how I’d pissed him off considering I hadn’t really seen him in weeks.
“He needs to get laid,” Riley stated unhelpfully, pushing off the car. “I’m going to find Beckett. Try not to wreck that pretty face, Cruz.”
“Ha ha,” I muttered, flipping her off as she walked away, and Logan leaned against the car beside me.
“Have you spoken to him much lately?” he asked, and I shook my head.
“I’ve been busy. Stone’s been sending us on more jobs than normal, so I haven’t had a lot of leisure time,” I grumbled. “I’m only here tonight because if I didn’t get the fuck away from him, I would’ve kicked his teeth down his throat.”
“Trouble in paradise?”
“He’s just driving me insane. He’s gotten worse since Penn left, barking orders like a drill sergeant while stomping around the compound. He sent Drake on a job with Jai and Will last week, and they’re still not back. So Knox is intolerable to be around too,” I sighed, checking my phone to find messages from Stone, demanding I get back. I’d been working since four this morning, so he could choke on my dick if he thought I was coming back to do more.
“When’s Knox ever tolerable?” Raven asked dryly, joining the conversation. “He’s worse than Stone.”
“Trust me, you’ve only seen what they’re like in small doses. Living and working with them is very different,” I groaned, scowling as my phone started ringing. “See? He’s like a clingy fucking girlfriend. I feel like I’m dating a controlling narcissist.”
“Break up with him,” Raven teased, and I gave her a sly smirk.
“For you? If you insist.”
Reid scowled, eyeing me with violence. “Everyone knows you’re not dicking anyone, you’re still moping about the Kingslake girl.”
“So why are you getting so mad?” I threw back, winking at Raven who rolled her eyes, knowing I was just doing it to be a dick. They were way too protective of her if you asked me, the poor girl was never going to get laid.
“Thanks, now they’re going to be raging assholes for the rest of the night,” she huffed, crossing her arms.
“You’re used to it. I don’t know how you live with them.”
“Me either, it’s out of obligation at this point. I can’t kick them out of my house and leave them on the streets,” she chuckled, but we all knew it was bullshit.
Raven had been best friends with Reid and Logan her entire life apparently, and Zavier had somehow wormed his way into their friendship group too over the years.
“You keep telling yourself that,” I snorted, my phone ringing again. I answered and pressed it to my ear, my voice sharp. “What the fuck do you want? I’m done for the day.”
“You’re done when I say you’re done. Knox needs you to—” Stone didn’t get to finish.
“You’re all good with computers so why the fuck does he need me? If there’s no one else, you either need to train people better or fire them,” I hissed, walking away from the others to speak more freely. “I thought he was on a job with you and Leah tonight?”
“Leah’s vanished and I can’t fucking find her, so I need you to get your ass home and help Knox since he took off on his own,” he barked, making me frown.
“She’s missing? Have you called Jai to see if he’s heard from her? They’re banging so—”
“Not everyone gets attached to their toys like you. She was in a mood earlier with me, so she’s just fucked off to make my life difficult,” he bit out, and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Listen to yourself, bro. You’re the one making everyone else’s lives difficult right now, so don’t be surprised when people start avoiding you. Why do you think I’m at the track? Or why Knox has been offering to take so many damn protection detail jobs lately? Everyone’s trying to get away from you because you’re being a prick.”
“Just get home, Cruz. I mean it,” he warned, and I almost wished he’d fire me so I could leave. Deep down I knew I’d be devastated, they were my family, but I’d had enough of his bullshit.