Page 119 of As Thick As Thieves

“You’re going to teach me to play?” I asked, watching how he placed his fingers on the strings before he moved so I could do it. I got it wrong so he helped rearrange where I put them.

“I won’t teach you anything too fancy, promise.”

I didn’t realize how much time had passed as Cruz taught me more chords, but Knox and Drake were already back by the time we finished and left the bedroom. Will was in the living room, sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. Cruz dropped down beside him, giving his shoulder a nudge.

“You all good, man?”

Will’s head lifted and he met my gaze, and I could tell he’d heard about Jai already by the way the grief was written all over his face. From what I’d gathered, Jai and Will were as close as Stone and his boys, they were family, so losing him would hit hard.

“I’m so fucking sorry. I had no idea—”

“I know,” I said softly, squatting in front of him with a small smile. “You’re not responsible for his actions.” The irony of this conversation wasn’t lost as Cruz gave me a knowing look as if I should take my own advice. “Does Sandra know?”

He was quiet for a moment before shaking his head. “Sandra left last night. She’s not coming back.”

“Wait, what?” I murmured, a shaky breath leaving him.

“She’s been wanting to leave for a while, but Leah’s death pushed her over the edge. She told me to choose, and I told her I was staying. This is my home and my family is here, and despite all the chaos that’s been happening here, I don’t blame you for any of it. Sandra can’t let shit go, so I didn’t beg her to stay.”

My heart hurt for him, and I was glad when Cruz dropped an arm around his shoulders for one of those manly half-hugs.

“I’m glad you stayed, bro. We’d miss your ugly face at breakfast. Besides, you’d miss watching Penn make a dick out of herself in the target room, she’s our newest recruit.”

“Hey! I’m not that bad!” I scolded, but Knox looked me right in the eye, his face completely straight.

“You’re not that fucking good either, Whitlock.”

“Bite me, asshole.”

“Where do you want it?” he chuckled deeply, and I stood up straight to flip him off.

“Who’s taking me to see Stone today? I’m surprised he hasn’t called to throw his daily tantrum.”

Drake snickered, sliding his arm around my middle to pull me close, smacking a kiss on my cheek. “He’s occupied. Zavier wanted to go and harass him.”

“I bet Stone loved that.”

“For sure. I think Zavier’s tying up loose ends with Ander before pulling back. This is the second thing in the past year that could’ve landed him in deep shit, and he’s got to stop testing how many lives he’s got. Raven would kick him the fuck out, and he’s totally in love with her, so he’ll put her first.”

“Why aren’t they together then?” I huffed, crossing my arms. “He deserves a nice girlfriend.”

“Yeah, well, he won’t get that from the little hellcat. Not to mention, Reid and Logan would tear his dick off if he even tried. That girl’s going to die a virgin at this rate,” Drake laughed. “I know Ander’s friendship is already getting him in trouble too, Raven can’t stand him.”

“Why? He’s nice.”

“No offense, but you’ve only seen the playful Ander with the hero complex, you haven’t seen the ruthless underworld player that likes to bathe in the blood of his enemies,” Drake replied dryly before adding, “You’re biased because of the ice cream he bought you. He’s not like that with everyone, he just felt sorry for you.”

My phone buzzed with a text and I pulled it from my pocket, smiling as I saw Stone’s name.

Stone: Where are you? Aren’t you coming over today?

Penn: You miss me, baby?

Stone: The second you walked out that door last night.

Stone’s romantic side was a little overwhelming, but not in a bad way. It was like he had to make up for all the missed time between us, and I wasn’t going to complain.

Penn: I’ll get one of the guys to bring me now.