“Guys hate-fuck themselves?” I deadpanned, a smirk spreading across his face.
“We don’t need a particular mood to jerk off.” I had a feeling he was being serious.
I headed into the bathroom, not caring about disturbing Knox, and he gave me a dirty look as I pulled the shirt over my head and joined him. “Get out, Whitlock.”
“Make me,” I threw back, his fingers instantly going around my throat as my back hit the wall, causing me to wince.
“Don’t tempt me,” he warned, pressing against me and making me shiver.
“I’m going to catch up with Leah, so you can stop glaring at me about me running off on my own,” I said breathlessly, his grip loosening a little as he eyed me.
“At the compound?”
“Doubtful. You and Cruz won’t like that,” I said flatly, his hand dropping to his side as he relaxed.
“Good. Stick to her like glue.” He tugged me under the hot spray, sliding his hand between my legs gently and making me suck in a sharp breath. “Sore?”
“A little. The second round was rough,” I grinned, his fingers carefully sliding across my pussy as he started washing me.
“I’m not sorry.”
“Good. I wasn’t complaining,” I murmured, standing on tiptoe to kiss him. “I love you, barbarian attitude and all.”
“And I love you, even when you’re a bitch,” he grunted, but his tone was teasing.
I let him wash me, and by the time we were done, Cruz was banging on the door demanding a shower himself.
Chapter Thirteen
“If she needs to go for some reason, call me and I’ll come and get you. Don’t come to the compound,” Knox said firmly as I leaned against the side of the car, both him and Cruz standing in front of me as we waited for Leah to arrive. We were in Ashburn Valley, standing in the parking lot at Harley’s bar, and they’d been giving me rules ever since we left the house.
“I know. Harley and Alex are both working today, right? I’m safe here, so stop stressing,” I mumbled, Knox scowling.
“You’re so stealable. Even Drake managed to steal you from your fucking castle, and he’s a terrible thief.”
“Is not,” I scoffed, knowing Drake had just as much skill as the rest of them.
Leah parked beside us, and she almost knocked me over as she flew out of the driver’s seat and threw her arms around me. “Please forgive me! Are you okay? Did—”
“Take it easy,” Cruz warned, tugging on her arm to pull her back a little. “She’s still recovering. I assume you all heard about the shooting at the track?”
Her face flushed with embarrassment for her outburst, but she nodded. “Yeah, Stone’s been glued to his desk scouring through hours worth of footage, but he still hasn’t found anything. You got shot?”
“I’ve had worse,” he replied, motioning to me. “Keep an eye out, and don’t leave her alone. We have no idea if the shooting was random or targeted. Our money is on it being targeted, but we have no idea who the target was. If you get the feeling you’re being watched, leave and call me or Knox straight away.”
“Yes, boss,” she huffed, hooking her arm through mine.
Knox eyed me for a moment in silence before blowing out a breath. “Promise me you’ll stay with Leah.”
“I promise. Go, we’ll be fine,” I smiled, standing on tiptoe to kiss him. The worry on his face softened a fraction, and he stepped back, letting Cruz in to kiss me, too.
“I love you,” Cruz murmured, and I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face even if I’d wanted to.
“I love you too.” I turned to Knox, batting my lashes at him. “You too, asshole.”
“Fuck off,” he grunted as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car, opening the door and glancing over the roof at me. “Love you too.”