Page 122 of As Thick As Thieves

“Got it?” Cruz asked as he walked into the room behind me, his eyes meeting mine with pride. “Good job, baby.”

“Hey, guys? Dickbag and his lady are leaving the restaurant. Time to bounce,” Drake said into the earpiece, and Cruz motioned for me to lead the way back down the stairs. The first week or two of being allowed to go on jobs had sucked. The guys were paranoid and wouldn’t let me do anything other than watch, but now they were getting me to lead a lot. Stone was impressed with how fast I picked things up, and he finally took notice of my eye for detail with expensive pieces of art and collectables. He actually asked my opinion on a lot of things now, which made me realize just how much he’d pulled me into the organization.

We made sure we left the house exactly as we’d found it, Cruz flipping the angry cat off on the way out, then we switched off our flashlights and made our way down the street in the dark. Thankfully, we hadn't parked too far away.

I climbed behind the wheel, pulling my balaclava and earpiece off before handing the necklace over to Cruz as he removed his gear, too, grinning as I started the car. I’d gotten my license two weeks ago, and the guys humored my enthusiasm to drive at every opportunity.

I didn’t mean to brag, but I’d only hit one parked car so far.

I drove along a side street, my window rolled down to let the cool breeze in, and Cruz slid his hand onto my thigh. “I think we should start teaching you how to disable alarms next. What do you think?”

“How do I learn that without getting us arrested?” I asked seriously, frowning at the thought. “I won’t get it right the first few times, and—”

“I’d guide you so you can’t fuck it up. You’re good at following instructions.” He smirked in the dark, reminding me of the games we’d played last night. Cruz and Knox had gotten bored while Stone and Drake were delivering an art piece to a client, and I let them have their wicked way with me.

Both of them had bossed me around the bedroom for an hour, Stone walking in to find me on my knees between Knox’s legs, my hands bound behind my back as Knox filled my throat with his cum.

I slept like a rock thanks to Stone getting jealous and going caveman on me.

I’d say it was a work in progress about teaching him to share, but it really wasn’t, and I couldn’t complain. The sex was mind-blowing since they liked to compete with each other.

“Need to pull over?” Cruz offered in a teasing tone, snapping me out of it as I glanced at him.


“You moaned. What were you thinking about?” he asked, his hand trailing higher up my thigh. When I didn’t reply, he growled. “Pull over.”

“We’ll be home in ten minutes,” I huffed, but I slowed the car and pulled over to the side of the road, putting the emergency brake on. “We can’t just—” My words were cut off as he unclipped his seat belt and kissed me, his hand instantly sliding into my leggings and finding my soaking entrance. My hips jerked as he teased my clit, a curse leaving me. “Fuck, Cruz.”

“What the hell were you thinking about? You’re dripping,” he groaned, pushing his fingers even deeper and making me almost lift off the damn seat. “Tell me.”

“Last night with you and Knox,” I panted, squeezing my eyes shut as my climax drew closer. “How you guys bossed me around, and then how Stone railed me when he got back because he was mad about it.”

“You like making him jealous,” he murmured against my neck, biting the skin gently, and I nodded, breathing hard and trying to hold onto the damn door as the tingling grew stronger.

“I’m going to come, fuck, I need—”

“I’ve got you,” he promised, curling his fingers inside me as he sucked on my neck, and I moaned loudly as I came, my hand still trying to grip the door while my other fisted his shirt. “So pretty when you come for me.”

My body was like jelly as he pulled away, heat flashing in his eyes in the moonlight as he lifted his wet fingers to his mouth and sucked.

“You don’t play fair,” I said as I huffed out a tired laugh and reached for his pants, but he swatted me away.

“Thieves don’t play fair,” he chuckled, sitting back in his seat. “We can continue this later. Let’s get home before Stone has a fucking aneurysm.”

“I need a second,” I whined, and he simply threw me a satisfied look without saying anything.

Once we arrived at the compound almost twenty minutes later, we walked straight into the office where Stone looked ready to explode.

“Here you go, boss,” Cruz smirked as he dropped the necklace into Stone’s hand before getting comfortable in a chair. “Sorry we’re late. There was so much traffic. Where’s Drake?”

“You’re not fucking sorry. Drake dragged Knox off to the bedroom, thanks to your little phone call. Stop calling us when you’re fucking around,” Stone snapped, the necklace forgotten about as he put it on the desk and stalked towards me. “You’re in my bed tonight, Princess. You can thank Cruz for calling us while he got you off. Again.”

Cruz had a habit of doing that, rubbing it in their faces at every opportunity. Well, Drake enjoyed listening in, but Knox and Stone turned into cavemen over it. Thankfully, Drake was handling Knox’s blue balls.

“No way. I have to get up for work in four hours to help Harley open. I’m too tired for your bullshit tonight,” I groaned, but he grabbed my wrist and started yanking me from the room, speaking over his shoulder.

“I want a full report in the morning, Cruz!”