“I just need someone to teach me and I could do both really well,” I sassed, yelping as he smacked my ass once he’d locked the door behind us.
“Stone must have the patience of a saint.”
“I’m not teaching her to cook, that’s Drake’s issue,” Stone grumbled, finally pulling me against his chest to drop a kiss on my lips. “But I don’t mind teaching her to drive.”
We walked into the office and Drake pounced, giving Knox a big kiss. “Hey, baby. Welcome home, let’s go get Penn naked.”
“She’s sore, remember? Give her poor pussy a rest,” Cruz joked, and Stone eyed me with a flicker of amusement.
“Did I break you or something?”
“I can handle more. Cruz kissed it better in the car today,” I grinned, my arms tightening around him. “You did fuck your way to China through my pussy though.”
Drake smirked. “I don’t need your pussy, babe. I want to slide into that sweet ass of yours.”
I could tell Stone didn’t like the idea of the guys stealing me, and I leaned into him a little more to reassure him. I had a feeling jealousy was going to be a huge issue with him, and as much as he had to learn to share, maybe we had to start small.
“How about we all have a little fun?” I murmured, Knox scowling as Drake hung off him like a damn monkey.
“I told you—”
“You don’t have to be the bread in my sandwich. I’m sure Cruz and Stone could work together.”
“I want to be the bread!” Drake demanded, but Cruz shrugged.
“I don’t give a shit who I’m looking at, as long as my dick’s inside you, baby. If you want to get a little wild, I can team up with Bread Boy over here.” He jerked a thumb in Drake’s direction, and Knox huffed.
“I don’t like that idea.”
Stone groaned, raking a hand over his short hair. “How about you guys fight about this a little longer while I put Penn into a sex-coma by myself? But Knox, Cruz rubbing balls with Drake isn’t going to make them horny for each other.”
“Like you’ll be able to sit back and watch them fuck her without wanting to tear their limbs off,” Knox argued, and I held up my hands in the shape of a T, signaling a time out.
“How about I choose? Cruz and Drake can get their sandwich, but Stone and Knox can boss them around. If Cruz is okay with that?” I turned to find Cruz chuckling.
“I don’t mind being told what to do, not that Stone deserves bossy privileges.”
“Fine, Knox is the boss and—”
“I think the fuck not,” Stone barked, but I jabbed a finger against his chest, silencing his argument.
“Do you want to go to bed alone then? I want you all to stuff me full of cum, so either get on board, or go to bed,” I ordered, annoyance flashing across his face.
“Fine, but I’m not doing anything stupid.”
With that settled, I started walking towards my bedroom, knowing they’d follow. It was so good having my own space again, but Knox was right, I’d rarely sleep in here.
The door had hardly shut behind us when Drake started stripping me in record time, and once I was naked, Knox ordered me to sit on the edge of the bed before he sat in the chair in the corner.
“Gotta warm her up first. Stone?” Stone eyed him with murder in his gaze as Knox continued with the hint of a smirk. “Crawl to her and eat her pussy.”
“I’m not fucking crawling,” he snarled, but Knox narrowed his eyes.
“Prove you’ll do anything for her. Fucking crawl.”
Stone’s angry gaze slid to mine, and I spread my legs for him in invitation, leaning back a little so he got a good view of me. I dipped my hand between my legs, teasing my clit with my fingers as I watched him. I could tell it had the desired effect before he even opened his mouth.
“Jesus Christ,” Stone grumbled, dropping to his knees and crawling towards me.