"The material isn't very comfortable and it rides up at the back." She turned to point to the hem, which indeed, was riding up dangerously close to her ass.

"Are you sure? You look so good in it," Assisi commented.

"Yes, I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing this out," his pet added.

Assisi nodded pensively.

"You know you don't have to worry about money, right? I know the situation isn't great with Marcello and the family, but Vlad and I have more than enough. If you like something, get it."

"No, no," his pet put her hands up, immediately trying to placate her sister. "It's not that. I really don't feel comfortable…"

"Ok. Try the others?"

She nodded, pulling the curtain as she retreated in the cabin. And the next time she came out, it was wearing the pink dress.

Michele had to blink twice. As he'd foreseen, that shade of pink was made for her, giving her a youthful and pure look. It caused him to gawk at her like a teenager seeing a woman for the first time. In a way, he supposed he was.

He swallowed hard.

The dress was the same length as the previous skirt, but the material was heavier and as such didn't ride up her legs. It wasn't too tight, but it was just enough to accentuate the contours of her curves. And by Hades… He could barely tear his eyes from her.

She was a vision. A goddamn stunning apparition.

"Oh my God, Zia," Assisi exclaimed, coming closer. "You have to buy this. You look absolutely stunning. Wow," she shook her head, her expression one of awe.

"Really?" his pet inquired apprehensively. She was biting her lip as she took in her image in the mirror, twirling around and assessing her body from different angles. "I like it too," she said quietly—tooquietly.

Michele almost didn't hear her. But as he shook himself from the shock of seeing her like that, his features darkened, a grim expression marring his face.

His upper lip twitched in displeasure. Her indication that she liked it meant she was going to buy it. Then wear it. Andthenshe would be seen like that on the street, wearing that goddamn dress that made her look like she'd been sculpted from the most perfect marble—like she was every artist's inspiration come to life.

Because she was his.

As he let his eyes get drunk on her, he could feel that small thrill start from the base of his skull, traveling down his spine before spreading throughout his body—the thrill of inspiration.

He wanted to paint her. He wanted to capture her like that, with shining innocence and happiness in her eyes.

"Goddamn it," he muttered, his control slipping. Yet this time he wasn't about to descend into the murderous type of madness. No, this time he wanted to give himself to another type altogether—one that wanted to worship at her feet and capture all her loveliness.

She was what every artist dreamed of in a lifetime—the one perfect muse.

His breathing intensified. The more he looked at her, the more he could imagine everything he would do to her—every angle he would capture and the colors he would use for every inch of her.

She was like a goddamn siren with how she enticed him. And it was without even trying.

Of course, in Michele's mind, because he was so close to losing himself to her charms, he assumedanyman would go crazy upon seeing her.

And that made his mood switch instantaneously. He seethed at the thought of her walking down the street and attracting all those appreciative male gazes. But more than anything, with his skewed perception, he saw others recognizing in her what he himself had—perfection. And who, after feasting upon perfection, would not want to preserve it—forever?

At that moment, every scenario flashed through his mind and he saw faceless men lusting after her, desiring her with as much pathos as he did and therefore doing what he himself wanted to do—steal her away.

He clenched his fists.

No, that wouldneverhappen. His pet was his and only his.

Only. Ever. His.

Jealousy so ugly reared its head as he pulled the curtain aside, barely avoiding detection as he left the changing rooms. But it wasn't before he saw the way his pet was perusing her body, satisfaction dripping from her features at what she was seeing. And that solidified his decision.