He would make himself indifferent to her as far as she affected his moods, but he would attune himself to her in other ways—fun,thrillingways that did not involve any loss of control or otherwise engage his emotions.

This time, he would create the perfect partnership. He, the master, and her, the pet.

He would be in full control. Always, and at all times.

Michele continued to plan his future involvement with his pet, in his mind delineating all sorts of terms—almost as if he was trying to convincehimselfthat he could keep her and still keep himself in full control of his faculties.

"Come on, Zia, you can't say no to every thing I show you," Assisi told his pet as they continued to walk down the street, passing by numerous shops, all of which failed to get his pet's approval.

Michele smiled appreciatively. Of course she wouldn't want any of thosemodernand revealing clothes. His subtle persuasion had worked to perfection to ensure that his pet only went out wearing a certain type of fashion.

"Please make an effort? Summer is right around the corner. You can't possibly wear those long and thick dresses of yours when it's going to be scorching hot outside."

"I don't like wearing revealing clothes," his pet mumbled.

From afar, Michele noted the way her chin went down a notch, her eyes on the pavement.

"We can try to compromise. It doesn't have to be revealing as long as it's comfortable and appropriate for the weather. What do you say?"

Michele waited anxiously for his pet's answer.

"I guess I could try a few," she eventually said, and his fists clenched in annoyance.

He kept a fair distance between them so they couldn't notice his presence, following them as they entered a department store.

His pet's eyes were on the ground, her shoulders slumped. She didn't seem interested in any of the stores. But Assisi wasn't deterred.

"Here, what about this one?" Assisi pointed towards a more youthful store. So it happened that the store containedeverythingMichele despised about the current generation and their libertine ways. Cropped tops, short jeans that were more underwear than wearable garments, bralettes for tops and other entirely too revealing ensembles.

His nostrils flared.

Assisi, Assisi, what am I going to do with you?

The answer was simple, however. He wasn't going to allow his pet to stay with them for much longer. Not when her sister proved to be such a bad influence on his pet.

As soon as the opportunity would present itself, Michele would remove his pet from that house and resume histrueownership over her.

She would live in his home, sleep in his bed, and tend to his cock every day. That was her purpose.

It would be a little tricky to steal her away without declaring an all-out war—something he wasn't very keen on at the moment—but he would make do. Mayhap when she supposedly went to college. He would let everyone think that she was, indeed, studying, when instead she'd be studying ways to please him.

The corners of his mouth tipped up as he imagined her in his home once more. He would fire every member of his staff, since he couldn't allow anyone to be in the same room as her. Instead, he would makeherdo all the chores—cook, clean, and tend to him.

If before he'd turned her into the perfect sexual toy, now he would upgrade her role to a domestic one. That way she would be at his beck and call, and her entire world would revolveonlyaround him. In return, he would make sure she lacked for nothing—money, wealth, anything her heart wished. Within reason, of course.

He couldn't help but be impressed with his magnanimity. He was giving her another chance. Of course she was going to take her role seriously and do whatever she could to satisfy him. Anyone else would kiss the tips of his shoes for showing such generosity. And that was another item on his list—show her how special she was for being the one he'dchosento bestow his favor. If she realized just how lucky she was—especially with everything so average about her—she'd be all the more likely to apply herself to her job.

His pet entered the shop, looking apprehensively around as she assessed the assortments of clothes offered by the store chosen by her sister.

Since the store was large enough, Michele entered too, losing himself among the racks of clothes, watching the pair closely as they browsed around.

"This. Oh, this Zia. The color would suit you so well," Assisi exclaimed, pulling out a pink mid-thigh dress.

Immediately, Michele's reaction was to scowl.

Too short.

Yet he couldn't help but agree that the color would suit her. That particular shade of light pink would highlight his pet's stunning complexion and every blush staining her cheeks. Indeed, he could almost picture her in it—aside from the length, of course.