Michele clenched his teeth at the surge of pure want that she triggered within him.

What was it about her?

For the thousand time since he'd started seeing her, he had to wonder what it was about her that made him react so strongly when he'd never reacted to another—ever at all.

He'd never known lust before. He'd never known what it was like to have his body react to another—to have his body at themercyof another in that way.

From a young age, he'd been disinterested in anything of a sexual nature. Then, after what had happened with Antonio and the boys at his school, he'd shunned all human touch, disgust rolling in his stomach at the thought of having another's sweaty hands on his skin.

And for years, he'd lived within his self-imposed boundaries.

Only after he'd started pursuing his pet had he seen a change in his views, inclinationsanddesires. It was almost like his libido had been dormant his entire life and upon meeting her it had resurrected. And when it had, he'd become insatiable—butonlyfor her.

She alone owned his cock. And he hatedanyonehaving any type of control over him.

That had been one of the reasons why he'd sought to push her away when he'd felt himself slipping—becomingtoodependent on her.

But, as he'd recently realized, she could own him only if he let her. And he wasn't about to do that.

No, he would retainallthe control.

After all, she was his pet. Nothing else.

She turned to the mirror, gazing apprehensively at her figure and smoothing her hands over her curves.

Michele groaned at the same time as Lovely startled from his arms, giving him a curious look before limping away from his lap and going to the little bed Michele had set up for him.

His lips tugged up at Lovely's little sighs as he huddled into a ball of fur, closing his eyes to sleep. Yet that was short-lived as his gaze swung back to the screen, blinking at the spectacle before him.

His pet's unclasped her bra, letting it drop to the floor. Next, her hands were on her tits, touching, squeezing. There was an erotically charged atmosphere as she caressed herself reverently, almost as if she imagined it was a lover's touch.

He bit his lip in a muffled curse.

Did she know he was watching? Was she putting on a show for him?

But she couldn't have known—Andreas had done too good of a job.

Yet seeing her intimately like this—touching herself like this—was something he hadn't expected. Something that shook him in a way he'd thought himself unshakable.

In the past, he'd used her. Seeing as she was theonlyobject of his lust in existence, he'd decided to slake it on her—and often. But it had always been in a rather clinical fashion, the end goal being his release.

Nothing else.

Yet seeing her like this… He enjoyed it though nothing about it involvedhisphysical release. This time it was only his eyes on her body and the pleasure he derived from watching her.

Her hands went lower, to the edge of her underwear as she tugged them down her legs, disposing them before standing fully naked in front of the mirror.

She brought her teeth over her lower lip as she simply watched herself.

Michele watched, too.

She brought her hands to her lower stomach as she caressed the area and he felt a sudden pang in his chest at the thought of what could have been developing in there now.

Their child.


He swallowed hard, the pain of the past hitting him once more and creating a whirlpool of confusion in his mind. His lungs constricted, his breathing labored as he dared let himself imagine what their child would have looked like.